Council Meetings 2020


Residents and members of the public are welcome to attend Ordinary Meetings of Council which are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6pm, with the exception of the meeting on the third Tuesday of December.

Meetings are held at Bannockburn Shire Hall, 12 High Street, and the Linton Customer Service Centre, 68 Sussex Street.

2020 Ordinary Council Meetings

25 February Bannockburn
24 March Linton
28 April Bannockburn
26 May Linton
23 June Bannockburn
28 July Linton
25 August Bannockburn
22 September Linton
27 October Bannockburn
24 November Linton
15 December Bannockburn


2020 Special (Annual) Meetings

Tuesday, 9 June (Budget Submissions): Bannockburn

Wednesday, 4 November (Mayoral Election): Bannockburn

The agenda is available online on Friday afternoon prior to the Ordinary Council Meeting.

Meeting agendas

Any person can ask a maximum of two questions of Council during a 30-minute Question Time and all questions must be lodged by 10am on the day of the meeting by email, Council's webstie or hand-delivered to Council offices.

Lodge a question