Council News Straight To Your Inbox

Media Release

Golden Plains Shire Council is launching the eGazette, a new email newsletter to provide residents with additional news from Council in between editions of the Gazette community magazine.

The popular Gazette magazine will continue to be printed and distributed to all households and businesses six times a year, with the eGazette to fill the gap between editions.

The eGazette will also be sent to inboxes six times a year, on the alternative months to the magazine, providing local readers with stories and news from across Golden Plains Shire.

The first edition will be published in mid-August and will feature information on recent announcements such as the opening of the Lethbridge Lights and Irrigation Project and the Let’s Come Together coffee and cake sessions.

The eGazette will be sent out to residents by request. To join the email list, community members can complete the simple web form here or email their name, email address and town to [email protected]. For more information and for any enquiries related to the eGazette, residents can call 5220 7111 to speak with Council’s Communications and Engagement team.

Mayor Cr Helena Kirby encourages residents to sign-up for the eGazette and stay up-to-date with local news.

“Council is thrilled to add the eGazette as yet another way for residents to stay connected with Council and up-to-date with what’s happening across the Shire.

“Community members can sign-up to receive the new e-newsletter from mid-August by registering on Council’s website or by emailing our Communications and Engagement team.

“The Gazette is Council’s most popular communications publication, and the eGazette will provide our community with the same quality stories in between each printed edition. Communicating issues and opportunities across a wide variety of accessible and functional platforms is a key action in our Council Plan 2021-2025, and Council remains committed to providing access to both print and digital communications channels for our residents.”

Complementing the Gazette with a digital edition fulfills a commitment in Council’s Communications & Marketing Strategy 2019-2021 and aligns with Objective 5.1 Information and engagement to involve our community in decision making in the recently adopted Council Plan 2021-2025.

Residents can also stay up-to-date online by following Council on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, or by visiting For more information on the eGazette and Council’s other print and digital publications, click here.

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