Golden Plains Shire Councillors re-elected Cr Brett Cunningham as Mayor of Golden Plains Shire for 2023-24 following a decisive Council meeting at the Golden Plains Civic Centre in Bannockburn tonight.
Cr Cunningham will serve a second term as Mayor following his appointment as Mayor in 2022. He will serve a one-year term leading up to the next general Council election on 26 October 2024.
At the same meeting, Councillors voted not to elect a Deputy Mayor in Golden Plains Shire for 2023-24.
Assuming the role of Mayor, Cr Cunningham expressed gratitude for the trust placed in him by his fellow councillors. He pledged to lead with dedication, transparency and a focus on initiatives that enhance the wellbeing of Golden Plains Shire residents now and into the future.
“Council will continue its commitment to deliver sound financial management allowing for the provision of 70 individual services that are used by residents of our Shire, and continue to work hard to invest in the health and wellbeing of our community,” Cr Cunningham said.
“I also make the pledge as I did during my Council Election campaign to continue to implement a professional style of leadership that holds not only myself but fellow Councillors accountable for our actions and behaviours. This leadership pledge extends to not only our community but also within our Council organisation where we will continue to assist with implementing a positive workplace environment," he said.
“I look forward to the coming year working together with my fellow councillors, CEO Eric Braslis, Executive Council Officers and Council staff to continue to serve our communities to deliver sound governance, financial management and continue to make Golden Plains such a great place to live.”
“To the community, thank you for your continued support and I look forward to serving another term as Mayor of the Golden Plains Shire, working for you, representing and advocating on your behalf.”
The next Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 28 November. For more information and to read the Meeting Agenda, available the Friday prior to the meeting, visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au/events