Disposing of Hay or Silage Bale Net Wrap in Golden Plains Shire 

Hay or silage bale wrap
Waste Management

Hay or silage bale net wrap is used across Golden Plains Shire and is a valuable material for protecting round bales of hay or silage from adverse weather conditions. 

We understand at times it can be difficult to know what to do with farm plastics, so we thought it may be helpful to provide you with some important information on how to dispose of hay or silage bale net wrap in the most environmentally friendly way. 

Net wrap from hay bales cannot be recycled through our kerbside recycling system and may lead to significant disruptions in the sorting machinery at the Material Recovery Facility. Therefore, please do not place hay or silage bale net wrap in your yellow-lidded recycling bin. 

You can bring hay or silage bale net wrap to your closest Transfer Station to ensure it is disposed of correctly:  

Small quantities of hay or silage bale net wrap can be placed in your general waste bin.  

We greatly appreciate the community's efforts in effective waste disposal which helps improve the efficiency of our kerbside collection system.