Draft Asset Plan 2022-2032 on Public Exhibition

Have Your Say: Draft Asset Plan 2022-2032
Council Meetings
Media Release
Strategies & Plans

At its meeting on 26 April, Council endorsed the Draft Asset Plan 2022-2032 for public exhibition. 

The Draft Asset Plan 2022-2032 (Draft Plan) is a key technical document that details the maintenance, renewal, acquisition, expansion, upgrade, disposal and decommissioning in relation to each class of infrastructure asset under the control of Council. These assets include sealed roads and car parks, gravel roads, bridges and major drainage structures, buildings, kerb and channel, footpaths and trails, stormwater drainage and open spaces. 

The main theme underpinning the Draft Plan and broader asset management planning principles is ensuring responsible stewardship of assets to meet the needs of Golden Plains Shire residents now and in the future.

The Draft Plan has been developed in line with the new requirement under Section 92 of the Local Government Act 2020 for Councils to prepare a 10-year Asset Plan by 30 June 2022. It summarises the key elements of Council’s individual Asset Management Plans which have been developed for each major asset class and details the operating and capital expenditure requirements for infrastructure assets.

The Draft Asset Plan 2022-2032 is available at Council’s website, with print copies of the Draft Plan and submission form available at Council’s Customer Service Centres, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn and 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale. Community members can make a submission on the Draft Plan online, by email or mail, and submissions close on Wednesday 18 May. The final Asset Plan 2022-2032 will be presented to Council for adoption at its meeting on Tuesday 28 June, 2022.

Mayor Cr Gavin Gamble says the maintenance and development of local assets is an important priority for Council and the community. 
“Golden Plains is a very large Shire and it’s a challenge to ensure that Council’s many different assets are maintained to meet the standards of the community, working within Council’s Budget.

“Over the next 10 years, Council plans to spend $213 million on infrastructure assets including $81 million to maintain existing assets to ensure they are safe and functional, $57 million for replacement of assets that are reaching the end of life and $75 million to meet growth or additional future demand. 

“The Draft Asset Plan 2022-2032 identifies that this financial commitment will fall short of meeting the needs of assets maintenance and development in Golden Plains Shire by $84.7 million over the next decade. While this figure is concerning, it is good strategic planning that has highlighted this issue which Council will act upon to continue to ensure that assets under our control are safe, fit for purpose and meet the needs of our growing communities.

“The Draft Asset Plan 2022-2032 is now on public exhibition and we encourage residents to review and share their feedback on this important strategic plan.”

For more information on the Draft Asset Plan 2022-2032, visit Council's Have Your Say Page