Draft Budget 2021-2022: What's New


Golden Plains Shire Council’s Draft Budget 2021-22 is on public exhibition until 31 May and all residents and ratepayers are encouraged to share their view on this important financial plan.

The Draft Budget details the financial plan for the next year, and there are a number of changes from Council's last Budget:

1.5% Rate Cap

The 2021-22 Rate Cap has been set by the State Government at 1.5% and it's law that Council's rates revenue cannot exceed this amount. The cap applies to the General Rates and Municipal Charge and it's an average increase across the Shire. The 2021-22 is down from 2.0% in 2020-21 and 2.5% in 2019-20.

$310.60 Municipal Charge

The Municipal Charge is a flat charge of $310.60 for every household in Golden Plains Shire in 2021-22, increasing by 1.5% from 2020-21, or $4.60. A fixed rate charge ensures that all residents make a standard contribution and means that the rate share is equitably distributed across the Shire.

$385 Waste Management Charge

The 2021-22 Waste Management Charge is a fixed charge for every household in the Shire, to fund for the kerbside collection of household waste and recycling, as well as waste management including the rising State Government Landfill Levy. From 2019 to 2021, the Waste Management Charge was steady with an increase of just $5 per household.

In the Draft Budget 2021-22, the Waste Management Charge has increased by $50 per household, from $335 to $385. Here's the breakdown of funding for the additional charge:

2020-21 Waste Management Charge $335
State Government Landfill Levy Increase $20
Recycling Cost Increase $10
Landfill Rehabilitation Charge $14
Stockpile Removal Charge $6
2021-22 Waste Management Charge $385

State Government Waste Levy Increase:

The State Government imposes a levy on the disposal of waste to landfills. As per the Recycling Victoria policy, that rate was due to increase by $20 per tonne over 3 years (an increase of more than 100%) however the implementation was deferred due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The increase will now be spread over 2 years commencing in 2021-22 and equating to an additional $20 per household with another $20 per household increase the following year, 2022-23.

Recycling Cost Increase:

Under Council's contract with Cleanaway, the cost of processing recyclable materials will increase by $10 per household in 2021-22.

Landfill Rehabilitation Charge:

Council has an estimated $1.75 million in outstanding liabilities related to landfill rehabilitation of the former Rokewood landfill and the Teesdale landfill sites with Council obligated to restore these sites to a particular standard. This charge was deferred from last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and $14 per household has been included to ensure that the rehabilitation commences in 2021-22.

Stockpile Removal Charge:

With a legacy of more than 60 roadside stockpiles scattered across the Shire, the estimated total disposal cost is $1.8 million. To commence the removal process, $6 per household has been applied so that two stockpiles can be removed each year over the next 30 years.

New Initiatives in Draft Budget 2021-22

In addition to Council's commitment to quality service delivery and regular road, bridge and community infrastructure, Council's Budget 2021-22 also contains funding for a number of new initiatives:

  • $75,000 for a new bore at Cambrian Hill
  • $80,000 for Common Road Swale Drain Upgrade in Inverleigh
  • $200,000 to rezone and manage surplus land
  • $130,000 for roadside slashing of gravel roads
  • $75,000 for environmental initiatives
  • $25,000 to clear fire access tracks
  • $20,000 for outdoor areas at local kindergartens

Money has also been set aside for future design work for:

  • Roads: $100,000
  • Bridges: $100,000
  • Drainage: $100,000
  • Building: $100,000
  • Sport & Recreation Works: $175,000

Have Your Say on Draft Budget 2021-22

Read Council’s Draft Budget 2021/22: Visit Council's Have Your Say page or pick up a copy at Council’s Customer Service Centres, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn or The Well, 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale.

Make a Budget Submission: Written submissions may be lodged by 9am, Monday 31 May, 2021. Post a submission addressed to Director Corporate Services, Golden Plains Shire Council, PO Box 111, Bannockburn, VIC 3331; email enquiries@gplains. vic.gov.au; or visit Council's Have Your Say page.

Present a Submission to Council: Council will hold a meeting at Golden Plains Civic Centre, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn at 6pm, Tuesday 8 June, and everyone who lodges a written submission may request to present it to Councillors. The final Budget 2021-22 will be considered for adoption by Council at its meeting in Bannockburn on Tuesday 22 June, 2021.

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