Engage - September 2022


The September edition of Council’s Engage e-newsletter was sent out today.

In this edition of Engage, you'll find new engagement opportunities, including the Draft Economic Development, Tourism and Investment Attraction Strategy 2022-2032, the Draft Golden Plains Climate Emergency Plan 2022-2032 and Inverleigh Active Youth Space.

There are also a number of upcoming events delivered both online and in person including the Community Grant drop-in sessions, Community Club and Volunteer Training Program and the Living Sculptures planting days and launch.

Updates on the Teesdale Flood Study and Woady Yaloak Equestrian Centre Masterplan are also featured.

Read the September edition

Engage is distributed monthly to Council’s Community Engagement Register - a database of Golden Plains Shire community members who are interested in participating in community engagement opportunities. To sign-up, click on the button below.

Join the Community Engagement Register