Enrolling to Vote in the 2024 Council Election

Council Election 2024

The upcoming Council Election for Golden Plains is scheduled for Saturday 26 October, 2024 and in preparation for the election, all eligible voters must be correctly enrolled to vote by the close of the Electoral Roll at 4pm on Wednesday 7 August 2024. 

Enrolling as a ratepayer in Golden Plains Shire Council: 

In a Victorian local council election there are two types of voters: 

  1. State-enrolled 

You must enrol and vote if you: 

  • are 18 years or older  
  • are an Australian citizen 
  • have lived at your address in Golden Plains Shire Council for longer than one month 
  1. Council-enrolled 

Some ratepayers can apply to become council-enrolled voters in Golden Plains Shire Council if they are: 

  • a property owner, occupier or represent a corporation 
  • 18 or older 
  • not a State-enrolled voter within the Golden Plains Shire Council area 

You have one vote in Golden Plains Shire Council. If you are a state-enrolled voter, that is the enrolment you use to vote. 

The rules for council-enrolled voters have changed ahead of the 2024 council elections. These changes have been implemented by the Victorian Electoral Commission and are outlined below: 

In previous elections: 

  • property owners who didn’t live in the area would be automatically enrolled – now you must apply if you want to vote in the 2024 and future local council elections and by-elections 
  • it was not compulsory to vote – now you must vote if you are on the roll or you may get a fine. 

To assist residents and ratepayers seeking more information, Council has set up an information hub on its website to ensure voters are well informed throughout the process.  

The hub provides guidance on checking and updating your enrolment status, as well as information on how the election will be conducted and how Council will operate during the Election Period.  

To visit the hub, head to: goldenplains.vic.gov.au/CouncilElection