Fair Access Policy Adopted

Fair Access Tile
Sport & Recreation

Golden Plains Shire Council adopted the Fair Access Policy (the Policy) at its meeting on 25 June 2024.  

The Policy was adopted following an extensive community engagement process which included two in-person community workshops in Smythesdale and Bannockburn throughout April. The workshops aimed to assist local sporting clubs, committees of management and peak bodies in understanding the policy and its implications.

The adopted Policy follows the introduction of the Fair Access Policy Roadmap by the Victorian Government, marking an Australia-first policy designed to improve access to community sports infrastructure for women and girls.

Commencing 1 July 2024, all Victorian Councils are required to develop and adopt a Fair Access Policy to be considered eligible to receive Victorian Government and recreational infrastructure funding. This Policy aims to ensure that women and girls have equal opportunities to fully participate in and enjoy the benefits of community sports, with fair access to their local facilities.

Key actions in the Policy include promoting equitable access, encouraging and supporting user groups and prioritising those committed to equality.

Golden Plains Shire Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham said the adoption of the Policy is a step in the right direction for women and girls in sport.

Thank you to the community members, clubs and committees that were involved in the community engagement process for this Policy. The information sessions alone had representation from 22 different committees, clubs and groups,” Cr Cunningham said. 

The adopted Fair Access Policy fosters a more inclusive and equitable landscape across the Shire for women and girls who participate in a variety of different sports and active recreation,” he said. 

The Policy aligns with Council’s efforts to activate community facilities and provide safe and welcoming access to community sports infrastructure.

The Policy is supported by an Action Plan which outlines specific steps and initiatives to guarantee equitable access to services and facilities across the Shire for women and girls in sport.  

The Fair Access Policy can be viewed at goldenplains.vic.gov.au/consultations

For more information, contact Council’s Manager Recreation and Community Infrastructure at [email protected] or call 5220 7111.

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