Federation Bridge Closure Update

Fed Bridge 2
Roads & Transport

Council advises that Federation Bridge at Inverleigh will remain closed until further notice as work continues to assess potential bridge repairs or replacement.

Federation Bridge was closed in February 2023, after flooding caused structural damage and left the bridge unsafe for community access. Council officers are now awaiting the results of a Level 3 Inspection for Potentially Structurally Deficient Bridges, and this will provide guidance on whether the bridge can be repaired.

If the bridge cannot be repaired and requires replacement, Council will establish a timeline and process to design and construct a new bridge subject to available funding.

Council acknowledges that the closure has been inconvenient for the local community, however community safety if the highest priority and we appreciate your patience as we seek a solution. Council continues to monitor the structure and the bridge will remain closed.

Residents are advised to avoid the bridge and follow all safety directions. Pedestrians can access Savage Drive and Rankin Road using the footpaths alongside the Hamilton Highway and Common Road.

Council will continue to keep the community informed regarding Federation Bridge updates.