Golden Plains Shire Council Seeks Community Feedback on Draft Budget 2024/25

Budget web

Golden Plains Shire Council’s Draft Budget 2024/25 (Draft Budget) was endorsed for public exhibition by Council at its meeting on 23 April. Community feedback is now invited until 9am Monday 20 May 2024. 

Council is asking the community to share their views on the Draft Budget 2024/25 before the final version is presented to Council for adoption at its 25 June meeting.

Golden Plains Shire Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham acknowledged the economic challenges and focus on financial sustainability stating that the Draft Budget reflects notable reduction in overall expenditure, with Council making the difficult but necessary decision to streamline operations and optimise resources.

“The reduction in the budget, whilst challenging, is essential to ensure sustainable financial management in the long term. Over the past six months, Council has diligently crafted this plan to ensure it aligns with our Council Plan 2021-2025, Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040 and Long-Term Financial Plan 2021/22 to 2030/31,” Cr Cunningham said.

“In light of the current circumstances, certain services, programs and initiatives may experience adjustments. Whilst there are no new initiatives or additional staff included, ongoing capital works program and upcoming projects such as the Rokewood Community Hub, Linton Oval, and the Teesdale Don Wallace Reserve developments have been represented in the Draft Budget,” he said.

“We assure our residents that every effort has been made to minimise the impact on critical services, however it is imperative that we exercise prudence and foresight in our financial planning.

“As we move into the final stages of finalising the budget, residents are encouraged to provide feedback on the Draft Budget, a key step before its presentation to Council for adoption at the 25 June meeting. Your input is vital, and we invite residents to have their say,” Cr Cunningham said.

Have Your Say on Golden Plains Shire Council’s Draft Budget 2024/25
Read Council’s Draft Budget 2024/25: Visit or pick up a copy at Council’s Customer Hubs, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn or The Well, 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale.

The Draft Budget will be available online or in hard copy from 24 April until 20 May before it is considered for endorsement at the Council meeting on 25 June 2024. 

Make a Budget Submission: Written submissions may be lodged by 9am, Monday 20 May 2024. Post a submission addressed to Director Corporate Services, Golden Plains Shire Council, PO Box 111, Bannockburn, VIC 3331; email [email protected]; or visit 

Present a Submission to Council: Council will hold a meeting at Golden Plains Civic Centre, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn at 6pm, Tuesday 4 June 2024 and anyone who lodges a written submission may request to present it to Councillors at this meeting. The final Budget 2024/25 will then be considered for adoption by Council at its meeting in Bannockburn on Tuesday 25 June 2024.

Key Features of Draft Budget 2024/25
This budget seeks to continue to provide services and improve and maintain infrastructure as well as deliver projects and services that are valued by our community.  However, with another year with the rate cap being below inflation (2024/25 maximum 2.75% rate cap) Councils across the State will likely have to reduce the level of service provided to their community or continue to operate at a loss, which is not a long-term sustainable business model.

•    $50m to continue to deliver more than 70 services to the Golden Plains community.
•    2.75% rate cap 
•    Waste Management Fee set at $447 per household.
•    Operating surplus of $7.3m, with an overall Underlying surplus of $32k.

Community Infrastructure Projects in Draft Budget 2024/25
•    $900k SRV Regional Community Sports Infrastructure projects.
•    $1.5m Teesdale Don Wallace Rec Reserve Female Friendly Changerooms.
•    $100k Tennis/Netball Court renewals
•    $1.0m Local Roads Improvement Program - Mt Mercer-Dereel Road widening.
•    $1.2m Wilgul-Werneth Road / Wurook Road bridge replacement.

Key Operational Programs included in Draft Budget 2024/25
•    Funding for six more communities to progress through the Community Planning Program.
•    Continued implementation of Climate Emergency Plan actions.
•    Continued transition of Waste Services to reflect State mandated 4 bin service.
•    Continued development and implementation of the Core Systems Transformation Project.
•    Delivery of the Rokewood Community Hub.
•    Funding for various programs to support active ageing, youth development, and the general health, wellbeing and inclusion of all cohorts across the community.