Have Your Say on Draft Budget 2022/23

Have Your Say: Draft Budget 2022/23
Media Release

The Golden Plains Shire Council’s Draft Budget 2022/23 (Draft Budget) was endorsed by Council at its meeting on 26 April and is now on public exhibition for community feedback from Friday 29 April to Monday 30 May, 2022. 

The Draft Budget 2022/23 is a responsible financial plan, focused on delivering more than 70 services of Council to the Golden Plains Shire community. In the second year of the Council term, the Draft Budget 2022/23 continues to progress the 21 strategic objectives and deliver the 83 key actions of the Council Plan 2021-2025. The Draft Budget has also been developed in line with the Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040 and Council’s Long-Term Financial Plan 2021/22-2030/31.

Mayor Cr Gavin Gamble says Council welcomes feedback from local residents and businesses on the Draft Budget. 

This year, Council launched a new engagement initiative seeking input on community priorities for the Council Budget 2022/23. Thank you to the residents who completed the community survey and spoke with Councillors at the online engagement sessions – your feedback has been incorporated into the Draft Budget 2022/23. 

The Draft Budget details the financial plan for the next year with Council continuing its commitment of operating more than 70 services for our communities and delivering the second year of the Council Plan 2021-2015, which was developed with extensive community consultation with our community members last year. 

Incorporating the new Rating Strategy 2022-2026, the Draft Budget 2022/23 has been endorsed by Council and is now on public exhibition. Community feedback is the important next step in the Budget process and I encourage all community members to share their thoughts on Council’s financial plan for 2022/23.

Have Your Say on Draft Budget 2022/23

Read Council’s Draft Budget 2022/23: Visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au/consultations or pick up a copy at Council’s Customer Service Centres, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn or The Well, 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale.
Ask Your Budget Questions: In May, Council’s Finance Team will hold two engagement sessions to answer budget questions from residents that will assist with preparation of a submission to Council. The online consultation is on Wednesday 18 May, 4 to 6pm, with the link to be posted on Council’s website the day prior to the engagement; visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au. There is also a telephone engagement session on Wednesday 25 May, from 4 to 6pm; call in on (03) 5220 7129 or (03) 5220 7128. 
Talk to Your Councillors: A Councillor Conversation Post will be held at the Golden Plains Farmers’ Market in Bannockburn, corner Milton and High Streets, 8.30am to 12.30pm on Saturday 7 May. Stop by to speak with your Golden Plains Shire Councillors or complete a Budget submission. 
Make a Budget Submission: Written submissions may be lodged by 9am, Monday 30 May, 2022. Post a submission addressed to Director Corporate Services, Golden Plains Shire Council, PO Box 111, Bannockburn, VIC 3331; email [email protected]; or visit goldenplains.vic.gov.au/consultations
Present a Submission to Council: Council will hold a meeting at Golden Plains Civic Centre, 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn at 6pm, Tuesday 7 June, and everyone who lodges a written submission may request to present it to Councillors. The final Budget 2022/23 will be considered for adoption by Council at its meeting in Bannockburn on Tuesday 28 June, 2022.

Key Features of Draft Budget 2022/23

  • $45.7 million to deliver more than 70 services to the Golden Plains community
  • $18.8 million investment in capital works, which is Council’s largest ever annual program
  • $1 million for resealing local roads
  • $800,000 for improvements to local roads
  • $700,000 for gravel re-sheeting of local roads
  • $400,000 for stormwater drainage improvements and 250,000 for kerb and channel projects
  • $1.1 million for community safety
  • $838,000 for community development
  • $513,000 on youth development

Road and Community Infrastructure Projects in Draft Budget 2022/23

Road Rehabilitation Project in Meredith, Haddon, Dereel and Maude: $1.5 million from the Australian Government’s Roads to Recovery Program to rehabilitate the following roads: Thompson Road in Maude, Slate Quarry Road in Meredith, Kopkes Road in Haddon, and Mt Mercer-Dereel Road in Dereel.
Replacement of bridges in Rokewood and Werneth: $600,000 towards the project to replace the Two Bridges Road bridge in Rokewood, the Wilgul-Werneth Road and Howells Road bridge in Werneth, and the Wurrook Road bridge in Rokewood.
Northern Streetscapes Project in Linton, Scarsdale and Smythesdale: A $1.3 million project to deliver the first stage of the Northern Streetscapes plan, funded by $650,00 from Council and $650,000 from Berrybank Windfarm, with the financial commitment made over two financial years: 2022/23 and 2023/24. 
Meredith Skate/BMX/Play Project: A $740,000 project, funded by $320,000 from Council and $420,000 from the Victorian Government. 
Rokewood Community Hub: A $3.96 million project, funded by $442,00 from Council, $18,000 from the Rokewood Recreation Reserve Committee of Management and $3.5 million from the Victorian Government. 
Linton Recreation Reserve Oval Replacement: A $880,000 project, funded by $680,000 from Council and $200,000 from Victorian Government. 
The following projects will be delivered by Council in 2022/23, if joint government funding is secured:
Replacement of bridge in Russells Bridge: A $2.1 million for the replacement of the bridge on Russells Bridge Road in Russells Bridge. The project is to be funded by $315,000 from Council and $1,785,000 from Australian Government’s Bridges Renewal Program. 
Rokewood Recreation Reserve Netball/Tennis Upgrade: A $650,000 project, to be funded by $216,000 from Council and $434,000 from Victorian Government. 
Golden Plains Tracks and Trails Strategy: A $60,000 project, to be funded by $30,000 from Council and $30,000 from the Victorian Government.

New Initiatives in Draft Budget 2022/23

  • $800,000 for landfill rehabilitation works in Teesdale
  • $500,000 for drainage and car park works in Inverleigh township
  • $100,000 for cypress tree replacement program

What’s New in Draft Budget 2022/23

  • Rate Cap: 1.75% rate cap in 2022/23. The cap in 2021/22 was 1.5%.
  • Municipal Charge: $250 per household, down from $310.60 in 2021/22.
  • Waste Management Charge: $389 per household in 2022/23. This is a $10 increase from 2021/22, following the negotiation of a new kerbside collection contract and a $20 per tonne increase in the Victorian Government’s Landfill Levy.  

Following a review and community engagement in 2021, Council adopted its Rating Strategy 2022-2026 at its February 2022 meeting. Under the new strategy, the following changes are effective from 1 July 2022:

  • Increase to the vacant land differential from 200% to 205%
  • Increase to the farm broadacre differential from 85% to 87.5%
  • Increase to the farm intensive differential from 90% to 95%
  • Increase to the Bannockburn business property differential rate from 120% to 130%
  • Reduction of the Municipal Charge from $310.60 to $250