Have Your Say - Teesdale Turtle Bend Recreation and Events Space Site Plans

Teesdale Turtle Bend web
Sport & Recreation

Golden Plains Shire Council has developed site plans for Teesdale Turtle Bend Events and Recreation Space following community consultation earlier this year. Council Invites residents to have their say on the site plans from Friday 23 August until 5pm, Friday 13 September.

The site plans have been developed based on community feedback provided through the initial phase of community consultation in February 2024. Proposed upgrades include: upgrading the stage area and surrounding pathways, replace existing picnic tables with family-sized accessible tables, install a new playspace area, improve parking, upgrade the bike and skate facilities, install fitness/agility areas and increase safety around crossing points and shared path trails.

Golden Plains Shire Council Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham said the proposed upgrades in the Teesdale Turtle Bend Reserve Recreation and Events Space site plans aim to cater to a diverse range of age groups.

“Council received more than 120 responses during the initial consultation page, which goes to show how important this community space is to Teesdale residents and visitors to the area,” Cr Cunningham said.

“This project aims to increase opportunities for social connection and inclusion for residents and users and will support the health and wellbeing of the Golden Plains community. Having community-endorsed site plans is an important part of advocating for State and Federal funding to make these improvements a reality,” he said.

“I encourage Teesdale residents and visitors to view the plans and share your thoughts to further inform this project as it progresses.”
The Teesdale Turtle Bend Recreation and Events Space Site Plans engagement is open from Friday 23 August until 5pm, Friday 13 September 2024. Local residents and visitors are encouraged to view the plans and provide their feedback by visiting goldenplains.vic.gov.au/consultations.

Once the site plans have been finalised, Council will advocate at a State and Federal level for funding to deliver the proposed upgrades for the Teesdale Turtle Bend Reserve Recreation and Events Space.