Introducing Positive Ageing in Golden Plains

Introducing Positive Ageing
Active Ageing & Inclusion
Media Release

Council’s Active Ageing & Inclusion team continue to support older residents and people with a disability in Golden Plains Shire to age well, remain connected and meaningfully participate in the community.

Since transitioning out of the delivery of aged and disability care on 1 July 2022, Council’s Active Ageing & Inclusion team continues to provide support for Golden Plains Shire community members to understand the aged and disability sector. 

Council is now focused on establishing new ways to ensure older adults and people with a disability in the Shire have access to a new range of supportive and inclusive programs and services. The new areas of focus for Active Ageing & Inclusion in Golden Plains include positive ageing; social connections; access and inclusion; and assessment and service navigation.  

Throughout August and September, the Active Ageing & Inclusion team will meet with local community groups, community centres and Men’s Sheds to develop stronger connections and explore how Council can continue to create linkages for community members to access these already established groups. The team will also be working with the Shire’s neighbouring support agencies to develop partnerships and help to educate the community about the aged services available to them. 

In October, Council will be celebrating Senior’s Month with the inaugural Senior’s Festival. The festival will be a celebration of seniors in Golden Plains Shire and will provide an extensive calendar of programs and activities for residents over 60 to help build social connections and keep people active and engaged.  More details about Senior’s Festival will be shared in September.

Golden Plains Shire Mayor Cr Gavin Gamble says Council is pleased to be continuing its support for older residents and people with a disability in the Shire.

“Since transitioning out of the delivery of aged and disability care, Council staff have been busy supporting our community and planning for how we will continue to provide opportunities for our residents to stay healthy, engaged and connected.

“It’s exciting to see the new vision for Active Ageing & Inclusion in Golden Plains beginning to come to life. Whereas the former home aged and disability service provided by Council was supporting a relatively small cohort of residents aged 65 and older, Council’s new Active Ageing & Inclusion programs are open to all older residents and people with a disability in Golden Plains Shire.

“Council is committed to ensuring our older residents and people with a disability are able to meaningfully participate in the community and will continue to support them to age well and remain connected, with a range of upcoming programs and offerings that will begin with the celebration of the Senior’s Festival.”   

At its meeting on 22 March 2022, Council resolved to transition out of the delivery of aged and disability care, with the services to move to a dedicated sector provider. The Australian Government appointed Silverchain as the new Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) service provider in Golden Plains and Mecaware as the new Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACCPYP) service provider across the Shire, with the new providers taking over the services on 1 July 2022.