Linton Recreation Reserve Oval Upgrade Officially Open

Linton Recreation Reserve Oval Opening
Sport & Recreation

Today, Golden Plains Shire Mayor Cr Sarah Hayden alongside Member for Ballarat and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Catherine King MP and Member for Ripon, Martha Haylett MP, officially opened the Linton Recreation Reserve Oval upgrade in Linton.

The upgrade commenced in late 2023 and included:

  • Demolition and re-shaping of the oval, installation of sub-surface irrigation and drainage systems and the surveying and levelling of a new 100mm sand profile.
  • New perimeter fencing, spoon drain, hard cricket wicket and AFL goal post installation.
  • Supporting infrastructure including coaches’ and umpires’ boxes, synthetic pads at oval entry points and peripheral path/surface works.
  • The roll out of instant turf followed by a successful turf establishment period.

This $1.425 million project was made possible through $780,000 from the Federal Government’s Investing in our Communities Program and $200,000 from the Victorian Government’s 2021-22 Country Football and Netball Program (Round 2). Golden Plains Shire Council contributed $445,000 to complete the project funding.

Quotes attributable to Member for Ballarat and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Catherine King:

“I’m so proud to deliver another election commitment from the Albanese Government for our community.  

“Whether it’s the juniors playing, their parents and carers supporting them or the amazing volunteers working behind the scenes to keep everything running smoothly, community sport brings people together.    

“These facilities are used by the football netball club, the cricket club and the broader community including Linton Primary School, so the benefits of this upgrade will be felt far and wide.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Ripon, Martha Haylett MP:

“The Carngham Linton Saints and Linton Cricket Club are at the heart of our community. This massive oval upgrade is great for players and will encourage even more people to join the fun and get active.”

Quotes attributable to Golden Plains Shire Mayor Cr Sarah Hayden:

“Council is proud to have worked with both the Federal Government, State Government and our community stakeholders to make this project a reality.

“This is a fantastic community space - the oval upgrade has enhanced the playing surface and will contribute to local clubs remaining active and creating social connections through sport and recreation.”