National Tree Day Celebration in Batesford Supports the Environment

National Tree Day 2024

More than 100 volunteers gathered at the Moorabool River Reserve in Batesford for a National Tree Day celebration on Sunday 28 July.

Led by the Batesford, Fyansford, Stonehaven Landcare group and supported by Golden Plains Shire and the Batesford Community Coordinators, more than 1100 shrubs, groundcovers and grasses were planted in the Reserve at the event. Volunteers of all ages proved eager to do their bit to help our environment and restore Council’s newest reserve.

After their excellent work, attendees enjoyed a barbecue lunch provided by Landcare and then took part in a walk through the reserve led by Council’s Natural Resources Officer. Golden Plains Shire Council Mayor Cr Brett Cunningham also attended the event and commended the conservation efforts.

The plantings were all of local native species that will contribute to the aim of restoring the natural vegetation community along the river thereby benefiting the watercourse and the native animals that rely on the river corridor.