New Aged and Disability Providers Confirmed

Aged and Disability Services
Active Ageing & Inclusion

The Australian Government has confirmed the new providers of aged and disability services to serve the residents of Golden Plains Shire from 1 July 2022. 

Council is pleased to welcome Silverchain as the new Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) service provider for Golden Plains Shire. 

Silverchain is a not-for-profit organisation with more than 125 years’ experience delivering leading aged and health care services in the home with a strong commitment to local, personalised service and to high quality care. Silverchain has an established track record of transitioning services in Victoria and are an experienced, reliable partner to support Council’s transition of CHSP service delivery.

Council is also pleased to welcome Mecwacare as the new Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACCPYP) service provider for Golden Plains Shire. 

Mecwacare is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation with demonstrated experience delivering HACC PYP services, and the established systems and processes in place to support assessment, intake and service provision. Since 2018, Mecwacare have been the provider of HACC PYP services in the Ballarat catchment previously delivered by the City of Ballarat.

Mecwacare has been caring for the community since 1959, providing residential, community and in-home nursing care and support services for people who are aged and people who are living with a disability. The provider supports more than 20,000 people across Victoria through a highly integrated service network operated by more than 2,000 employees and 500 volunteers. 

Service clients and their families in Golden Plains Shire have been directly informed of the new service providers, as Council management and the Active Ageing & Inclusion team continue to support them through the service transition. All clients will continue to receive the services they are currently provided without interruption, with Council’s delivery to cease on 30 June 2022 and the new providers starting in-home care on 1 July 2022. Beyond the date of service transfer, Council staff will continue to be available to support clients through the transition and will offer dedicated navigation support to existing and new clients of aged and disability services in the Shire.

Council management has been supporting affected staff during the transition from the current service delivery, with a range of options including redeployment opportunities and career pathways in the aged and disability care sector. 

At its meeting on 22 March 2022, Council resolved to transition out of the delivery of aged and disability care, with the services to move to a dedicated sector provider. 

The Australian Government has sole policy and funding responsibility for the delivery of aged services and has announced a new national system for the sector that will be implemented from 1 July 2023. It is a significant change and Council’s Best Value Review of Aged and Disability Services determined that this new system will negatively impact Council’s commitment to deliver high quality services that provide the best value to the community.