No Speakers at Budget Meeting

Council Meeting Tomorrow
Council Meetings

Five submissions have been lodged on Council’s Draft Budget 2022/23, with no submitters requesting to speak at the Council Budget Meeting on Tuesday 7 June. 

The Council Budget Meeting will still be held as scheduled, however there will be no presentations. The agenda is available here. The meeting will be livestreamed at this link:

The Draft Budget was endorsed by Council in April and on public exhibition from 29 April to 30 May, 2022. There were two question and answer sessions with Council’s Finance staff in May with attendance from two residents. 

The Draft Budget was featured in The Gazette, which was sent to every home and business in May, as well as on Council’s website and social media and in the Golden Plains Times

Council’s Budget 2022/23 will deliver on Council’s commitment to services, projects and programs over the next financial year, under the guidance of the Council Plan 2021-2025, Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040 and Long-Term Financial Plan 2021/22-2030/31.

In February 2022, Council opened a community survey and held online workshops seeking early input into the Budget. The engagement sought feedback on the community’s priorities, under the themes and strategic objectives of the Council Plan 2021-2025. 

All written submissions to the Draft Budget will be considered by Council, with the final Budget 2022/23 presented to Council at its meeting at the Golden Plains Civic Centre, Bannockburn at 6pm, Tuesday 28 June. The meeting will be livestreamed with the link available on Council’s website prior to the meeting: