Open for Public Comment

Major Projects

The Draft Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040 (Draft Vision 2040) is open for public comment, with the final document to be presented to the new Council in December 2020.

Comments from community members for the Draft Vision are welcomed until Monday 16 November, 2020. 

At its December 2020 meeting, the final Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040, including all community feedback, will be presented to the new Council for adoption. Following the confirmation of this over-arching strategic vision, Council will undertake an extensive community consultation process in early 2021 to develop its Council Plan 2021-2025, detailing its four-year commitment to the people of Golden Plains Shire.

The Draft Vision 2040 is a long-term visionary publication that reflects the community's hopes, aspirations and priorities for the next 20 years. The draft document has been developed by the Community Vision 2040 Reference Group (Reference Group) in partnership with Council, and has been informed by engagement with communities across Golden Plains Shire during 2020.

In February and March, 534 people participated in the Community Vision 2040 survey, an open engagement process conducted across the Shire. From the survey responses, the Reference Group created a framework for the Draft Vision 2040, centred on four key themes: community; liveability; sustainability; and prosperity. These themes were then supported and expanded on with the creation of a number of Community Priorities and Vision Statements.

The Reference Group also conducted focused engagement on the Themes, Community Priorities and Vision Statements with Council and community stakeholders, resulting in a further 33 written responses. The common themes and suggestions for improving on the Concept focused on stronger statements around commitment to environmental sustainability and further representation of valuing our indigenous heritage and connection to the traditional owners of the land. From this feedback, further refinement on the concept was undertaken by the Reference Group to produce the Draft Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040.

At its 25 August 2020 Meeting, Council formally received the Draft Vision 2040 document, thanked the Reference Group and community members who took part in the consultation process, and referred the Draft Vision 2040 to the next Council to consider for adoption.

The Draft Vision 2040 is now available on Council’s website at here. For a printed copy, call 5220 7111 or visit Council’s Customer Service Centres at 2 Pope St, Bannockburn or 19 Heales St, Smythesdale.

To provide feedback on the Draft Vision 2040 by Monday 16 November, email to [email protected] or send by mail to: Community Vision 2040, PO Box 111, Bannockburn VIC 3331.