Pool or Spa Barrier Compliance Due 1 June 2023

Pool Spa Barrier

Golden Plains Shire residents with a pool or spa constructed between July 1994 and April 2010 are required to have a compliance certificate lodged with Council by 1 June 2023.

If you have registered your pool or spa with Council and have received a Registration Acknowledgement Letter, you are required to have your pool or spa barrier inspected by a registered inspector and lodge a Certificate of Pool/Spa Barrier Compliance (Form 23) with Council by the due date on that letter. A small lodgement fee is payable at the time of lodgement.

If you registered your pool or spa online via Council’s online Portal you can log in and lodge your Form 23 via the Portal, or alternatively email the certificate to Council at: [email protected]

If you are unsure when your pool/spa barrier compliance certificate is due to be lodged with Council, contact our friendly Building Services team for assistance on 5220 7111.