Refreshed Community Vision 2040 will Guide Council Plan


From January to March 2024, Golden Plains Shire Council undertook a community engagement process seeking feedback on the current Community Vision 2040. Throughout the engagement, we heard from more than 400 residents with 85 per cent of respondents having not contributed to the development of the Vision in 2019/2020.

The following amendments to the Community Vision document have been made in reflection of the feedback community provided:

  • A brief summary on the refresh conducted in 2024 has been included.
  • All current information has been reviewed and now has less strategic wording.
  • The current priority ‘Services, Facilities and Activities’ has been split into two priorities: ‘Services and Facilities’ and ‘Activities and Events’.
  • The Vision statement under the Community theme has been amended to “We want to be inclusive and value all people, including women, LGBTIQA+ people, young people, and culturally and linguistically diverse people”.

The refreshed Community Vision 2040 will guide the development of the Council Plan 2025-2029.

Read the refreshed Community Vision 2040 by clicking here.