Share Your Vision for Lethbridge Skate Park

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Sport & Recreation

Golden Plains Shire Council is excited to announce plans to revitalise the existing skate park located at the Lethbridge Active Youth Space. 

This project aims to ensure the skate park continues to meet the needs of the community for years to come, with Council inviting community members to share their priorities and aspirations for the skate park upgrade.  

The proposed upgrade to the Active Youth Space will deliver a range of improvements, including upgraded skate park facilities, multi-use area, seating, shade/shelters, drinking fountain, improved path networks and landscaping. The skate park upgrade will complement the brand-new play space which is now open to the community.

Community members can provide feedback on the proposed skate park upgrade in several ways:

  • By attending an in-person workshop on Wednesday 19 February from 5pm at the existing skate park, Russell Street, Lethbridge.
  • By completing an online survey.

Golden Plains Shire Mayor Cr Sarah Hayden encourages regular skate park users and the broader community to share their vision for the skate park. 

Council is committed to recreation opportunities for our community in Lethbridge, and this skate park upgrade is a key part of that commitment. We need your feedback to ensure the revitalised facility serves the community for years to come.

Cr Hayden said.

The upgraded skate park will make an excellent addition to the new play space, providing an impressive, dynamic and inclusive recreation facility that will be a valuable addition to Lethbridge and surrounding towns.

Feedback will inform the development of initial concept designs and is invited from Wednesday 5 February to 5pm, Monday 24 February 2025, and can be completed online at The survey will also be available at Council’s Customer Hubs located at 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn, and 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale.

Following the consultation period, Council will begin the development of concept designs and will keep the community involved in this process with further community consultation scheduled for the coming months.

For further information, contact Council’s Community Infrastructure Planner at [email protected] or call 5220 7111.