Statement from the CEO regarding Growing Suburbs Fund

CEO Statement

The recent decision by the Victorian Government representatives to exclude Peri-Urban Councils (PUC), including Golden Plains Shire Council, from eligibility for funding support via the Growing Suburbs Fund (GSF) is a matter of deep concern.  

The primary purpose of the Growing Suburbs Fund has been to provide vital financial support to councils facing substantial population growth. 
Golden Plains Shire, along with our fellow Peri-Urban Councils, has experienced some of the most rapid population growth in Victoria. Our region has evolved and expanded, and our communities have faced increasing demands for infrastructure, services, and facilities to meet the needs of our residents now and into the future.
This decision comes at a time when Peri-Urban Councils like ours are more reliant than ever on State and Federal governments to address the challenges arising from this significant population growth. 
In recognition of our unique circumstances, Peri-Urban Councils Victoria advocated vigorously for our eligibility for the fund back in 2020. We believed then, as we do now, that this funding was crucial for ensuring the sustainable development and well-being of our communities.
Since being admitted to PUC, Golden Plains Shire Council has successfully secured over $6.5 million in funding from the GSF, which has directly contributed to vital community projects and has had a tangible and positive impact on our residents within the Shire and across the region.  Projects include the following: 

  • Golden Plains Youth Hub ($271,032)
  • Ross Creek Play and Active Recreation Upgrade ($450,000)
  • Rokewood Community Hub ($3,500,000) 
  • Inverleigh Active Youth Space ($1,487,587), and 
  • Bannockburn Skate Upgrade (Bowl) ($805,000) 

It is important to note that the GSF itself had already experienced a significant reduction in its allocation from $50 million to $10 million in the previous state budget, which presented challenges for our region. Removing eligibility for this funding for Peri-Urban Councils altogether exacerbates the strain on councils like Golden Plains Shire, which now face the loss of one of the few substantial funding sources available to our region. The continued support of this vital funding source is essential to ensure the sustainable growth and development of our communities and to meet the needs of our rapidly expanding populations. 
Golden Plains Shire Council remains committed to working collaboratively with the government to find equitable solutions that benefit all Victorians, including those in Peri-Urban areas.  
Further comments will be provided pending a statement from the Victorian Government surrounding this decision and impact on our Shire and broader regions.

Eric Braslis
Chief Executive Officer
Golden Plains Shire Council