Teesdale Residents invited to contribute to the Community Plan

Teesdale Community Plan

Community members in Teesdale are invited to attend a public meeting at the Teesdale Community Hall on Thursday 11 August to identify the top priority projects for the Teesdale community. 

The responses from the Teesdale Community Plan Survey 2022 which closed on Monday 1 August will be discussed at the public meeting where they will be collated with any other ideas from local residents.

All Teesdale residents are invited to attend the public meeting at the Teesdale Community Hall, 1109 Bannockburn-Shelford Road, Teesdale on Thursday 11 August from 7.30pm. 

Community Planning is a Council program where community members come together to develop and implement community plans to improve their own communities, outlining the key projects that they will undertake over the upcoming three-year period to make their town a better place. 

Residents known as Community Coordinators volunteer their time to coordinate the development and implementation of a community plan for their community. To develop a community plan, Community Coordinators seek other residents' ideas and opinions via surveys, interviews and public meetings. 

From the last Teesdale Community Plan, a number of priority projects have been delivered including the upgrading of the public toilets and delivery of basketball half court at Turtle Bend, support of community events including Christmas Carols and Market and Teesdale Live, and a partnership with Meredith Community House to deliver activities at the Teesdale Community Hall.