Unscheduled Council Meeting Summary: 16 April 2021


At 3pm on Friday 16 April, Council held an unscheduled virtual meeting to consider a petition on the Rokewood Uniting Church.

All Councillors except for Cr Les Rowe were in attendance and participated virtually under the provisions of the Victorian Government’s COVID-19 legislation. The meeting accessible to the public through the livestream on our website and YouTube page.

At the meeting, Councillors considered four reports regarding a petition on the Rokewood Uniting Church.

Leave to consider a Petition and E-Petition – Rokewood Uniting Church – 60 Ferrars Street, Rokewood

Council agreed to grant leave to consider the Petition and E-Petition – Rokewood Uniting Church – 60 Ferrars Street, Rokewood.

Receive and note a Petition and E-Petition – Rokewood Uniting Church – 60 Ferrars Street, Rokewood

Following the decision to grant leave to consider the petition, Council agreed to formally receive and note the Petition and E-Petition – Rokewood Uniting Church – 60 Ferrars Street, Rokewood.

Heritage Designation – Rokewood Uniting Church – 60 Ferrars Street, Rokewood

After the previous two procedural motions, Council then debated a motion to request the Council CEO to provide a report to the next Council Meeting, regarding:

  • The extent to which the church is or is not subject to heritage protections;

  • Whether any form of interim heritage protection is necessary and possible; and

  • A broad plan for the long-term protection of the building.

Council agreed to the recommendation, with a report to come back to Council at the 27 April 2021 Council Meeting. Prior to a vote, Cr Getsom left the meeting.

Potential Compulsorily Acquisition – Rokewood Uniting Church – 60 Ferrars Street, Rokewood

Finally, Council considered a report seeking the Council CEO provide a report to the next Council Meeting to consider whether and how Council could compulsorily acquire the property at 60 Ferrars Street, Rokewood. An alternate motion was instead moved by Cr Cunningham which requested Council write to the Minister to compulsorily acquire the property and re-entrust it to the Presbyterian Church of Victoria Trusts Corporation for continued use as a Christian place of worship, given that Council does not have the power to compulsorily acquire the property.

Following a debate, Council agreed to the alternate motion, and a division was called:

Voting for the motion: Cr Cunningham, Cr Whitfield, Cr Gamble, Cr Kirby

Voting against the motion: Cr Sharkey

Council will now write to the Minister for Regional Development, Mary-Anne Thomas in line with the alternate motion.


With no further business, the Unscheduled Meeting was closed.

A recording of the meeting is available below.

Watch the 16 April Unscheduled Meeting of Council

Watch the recording of the 16 April Unscheduled Meeting of Council.