Upgraded Playgrounds Ready For Play

Media Release

Upgrade works were recently completed on playgrounds in Rokewood and Dereel, ready for families to again enjoy the popular facilities.

Works were completed at the Rokewood Recreation Reserve Playground at 14 Mcmillan Street in January, which saw upgrades and new equipment installed at the site. A new cube climbing frame was installed alongside a new triple nest swing unit to replace the old swing set. Other works included replacing the soft-fall mulch and installing new sub-surface drainage at the site. The $38,000 project was fully funded by Council as part of its annual Playground Renewal budget.

The $56,000 upgrade of the playground at the Dereel Hall and Recreation Centre, 14 Swamp Road also included a number of new features installed and existing equipment upgraded. The project included the replacement of the old swings with a Birds Nest combo swing set, installing a natural play space item, re-staining of the combo unit, replacement of the old slide, new soft-fall material, installation of perimeter edging, as well as path upgrades and the replacement of the nearby synthetic cricket wicket.

Dereel playground was one of five play spaces to receive funding from the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program. The four other playgrounds that will be upgraded this year include at Linton Recreation Reserve, Garibaldi Public Hall Reserve, Haddon Lions Park and Enfield Harrison Reserve. Works are almost complete on the Haddon playground upgrade, with the other remaining projects to commence over the next few months.

Golden Plains Shire Mayor Cr Helena Kirby recently visited both playgrounds and said the upgrades were a great outcome for the Rokewood and Dereel communities.

“It’s great to see both the Rokewood and Dereel playgrounds upgraded and open again for the community to enjoy. The playgrounds are looking great and will also give locals in Haddon, Linton, Garibaldi and Enfield a look at what will come later in the year for their playgrounds.

“Council’s 10-year Play Space Strategy identified the playgrounds in these communities as requiring renewal to improve safety and provide better play spaces for local kids. Council is really excited to be able to deliver six playground upgrades this year, including five thanks to funding from the Australian Government.”

Member for Wannon, Dan Tehan MP said he was delighted that the Morrison Government funding had enabled the upgrades of the Dereel playground.

“Playgrounds are incredibly important for our children in providing learning opportunities through different types of play. The playgrounds also provide an important aspect to children’s health and well-being with exercise and having fun,” said Mr Tehan.

“I congratulate Golden Plains Shire Council for their ongoing investment and recognition of the important role playgrounds have within their local community,” said Mr Tehan.

Dereel Playground - 12 February 2021_web.jpg

Pictured top: Mayor Cr Helena Kirby with Brianna, Jesse and Stella at the Rokewood Recreation Reserve’s new swing set. Immediately above: The Dereel Hall and Recreation Centre Playground.