Virtual Council Meetings


On 23 April 2020, the Victorian Parliament passed emergency COVID-19 legislation (COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Act 2020) enabling ‘virtual’ council meetings to be held between 1 May 2020 and 2 November 2020.

Golden Plains Shire Council Meetings will be held virtually under the provisions, including next week’s Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday, 25 August 2020.

Members of the public can still watch virtual meetings through the livestream on Council’s YouTube page here. A recording of the livestream is made available on Council’s website following the meeting.

Council will accept public questions submitted in accordance with the Local Law No. 1. Due to COVID-19 and the meeting being held virtually, public questions will be read out by the Chief Executive Officer as proxy (where appropriate).

All public presentations and submissions must be in written form and will be read out by the Mayor at the meeting. The maximum time limit of five minutes is still applicable in accordance with Local Law No. 1.

The Council agenda will continue to be uploaded by the end of business on the Friday prior to the Council meeting.

For more information on Council Meetings, click here.