Following extensive consultation with the community, Golden Plains Shire Council will begin works to deliver the Inverleigh Tree Succession Plan (The Plan).
The Plan was endorsed at the October Council meeting, noting further community engagement to determine the species of tree at the eastern entrance to Inverleigh. This recommendation followed inconclusive results from the Inverleigh Tree Succession Plan survey which was open to the community from Thursday 12 May to Thursday 16 June.
The first stage of the works will see the removal of trees throughout both the eastern and western entrances to Inverleigh, and at the public camping grounds, with the first stage of planting to commence later in the year following soil assessment and conditioning to prepare the soil for planting.
The removal works will begin on Monday 15 May, 2023 and are anticipated to take five weeks, pending weather, with traffic delays expected throughout this time which will be managed by traffic control.
A staggered approach to the works will be taken with works scheduled to begin on the eastern entrance before moving to the western entrance. The works will see the trees dismantled, followed by stump removal.
Engagement Update
Through community consultation, Rough-barked Apple (Angophora floribunda) was identified as the preferred species for the western entrance and Argyle Apple (Eucalyptus cinerea) was the preferred species for the eastern entrance.
Valley oak (Quercus lobata) will be planted on the surrounds of the public camping grounds sand Smooth Barked Apple (Angophora costata) will be planted within the public camping grounds.
What Happens Next
Once the works are complete, mulch will be available to residents at various locations across the Shire with further information to follow.