Places of public entertainment - occupancy permits / temporary structures

If you are planning on holding an event (either on public or private land), you may require a permit from the Building Department for a Place of Public Entertainment (PoPE) or Temporary Structure.

The purpose of these approvals is to ensure the event complies with all safety requirements, such as exits, fire safety and public amenities. Where a temporary structure is being erected, this also ensures the structure is suitably located and sound in construction.

Where an event does not require a permit, compliance with building legislation, council event requirements and any other relevant legislation must still be met.

Place of public entertainment (PoPE) permit

Public entertainment is defined as an entertainment or meeting to which admission may be gained by members of the public. A place of public entertainment (PoPE) is defined as an area greater than 500m2 that's used for public entertainment and is either:

  • enclosed or substantially enclosed, or
  • to which admission is gained by giving of money or other consideration.

Exemptions are in place for community-based organisations.

Please contact the Building Department to discuss if this is applicable to you.

Siting of a temporary structure permit

Large temporary structures also require Siting of Temporary Structures which require an occupancy permit from the Victorian Building Authority for the temporary structure.

Temporary structures, like those used in events, are also controlled by the Building Regulations. A temporary structure permit is required for the following structures:

  • Tent/Marquee over 100m2
  • Stage/Platform over 150m2
  • Seating Stand for more than 20 people
  • Prefabricated building over 100m2

Please contact Council's building department to discuss what is required for a temporary structure. An application form for an Occupancy Permit for a Place of Public Entertainment can be submitted with the relevant documentation to Council's building department along with required Building Forms

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