Plan Searches and Property Information

Find information about plan searches and property information in Golden Plains Shire.

Group of people studying a plan

Requesting older plans

If you are planning to get a building permit for an extension to an existing dwelling, old plans can be very useful to architects, draftspersons and engineers for designing alterations.

Plan availability

Golden Plains Shire was formed in 1996 from the old Grenville, Bannockburn, Leigh Shires and some of the Buninyong Shire. Although building permits have been required for building work since the 19th century, older permits may not always be available. Plans and permits from the former Shire of Grenville are often not available. Often the older the building, the less likely there are plans available.


A non-refundable fee is charged for plan searches to cover administration, archive retrieval and transport costs. To determine if the particular document is likely to be available prior to lodging an application, please contact us to discuss your request to obtain copies of building documents, the fee for copies of plans etc., can be found in the link for Building Fees 2022-2023 here

Note: Applicants require the written authority of the current owner of the land to view any building plan.

Property Information Requests

Under Regulation 51 of the Building Regulations 2018, any person may request information about a property, including the following:

  • Details of any building permits or certificates of final inspection issued in the preceding 10 years
  • Information about the property’s susceptibility to flooding, termites, snowfall, etc.

A Property Information Request form for Regulation 51 (1), (2) & (3) requests can be submitted, with the applicable fee through Council's online building portal here (property information request forms are available from the Building Forms page)

Note: With requests for Regulation 51 (2) provision of a copy of title with a plan of subdivision/ title plan is essential to ascertain the specific property, for vacant land.