Kindergarten and Limited Hours Care Waitlist

Welcome to the Golden Plains Shire Council Kindergarten and Limited Hours Care waitlist page.  Please ensure you read the content below before making your waitlist entry.


Important Information
Three-year-old Funded Sessional Kindergarten
  • Children must have turned three (3) by 30th April in the year of enrolment to be eligible to attend a three-year-old funded kindergarten program.
  • Children are not permitted to commence at the kindergarten until they are three (3) years of age.  
  • Children will only be able to access one year of government funded three-year-old kindergarten.
  • Children accessing three-year-old kindergarten will transition to four-year-old kindergarten the following year.
  • Children must be enrolled in only one (1) funded kindergarten program

Still unsure when to send your child to three-year-old kindergarten?  Why not try this handy calculator.

Four-year-old Funded Sessional Kindergarten
  • Children must have turned four (4) by 30th April in the year of enrolment to be eligible to attend a four-year-old funded kindergarten program.
  • Children meeting the criteria for a second year of four-year-old kindergarten will be eligible to access one additional year of kindergarten prior to starting school.
Priority of Access

The Department of Education and Training (DET) Priority of Access (POA) Criteria will be applied when assessing all enrolments.  

Children with additional needs, children of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background, Asylum Seeker and Refugee families with an appropriate visa, children known to Child Protection and/or children applying for a 2nd year of kindergarten are considered a high priority for inclusion in a funded kindergarten program.  

Community Context

The following community context will be applied to enrolments:

  • Child has attended a three-year-old program on the same site as their first preference for four-year-old Kindergarten.
  • Home address falls within the same suburb (see post codes attached) as the first preference Kindergarten or is the closest funded Kindergarten to parent/guardian residence at the time of application.
  • The parent/guardian works, studies, or has children attending formal or informal childcare for two or more days or the child has a sibling attending the local Primary School.


No Jab No Play

An Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register is the only documentation accepted by early childhood education and care services for the purposes of confirming a child’s enrolment in their service.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding the waitlist process please contact us via email [email protected]