Strategic Planning Projects

Council's Strategic Planning area is responsible for:

  • The consideration and assessment of amendments to the Golden Plains Planning Scheme.
  • The development of structure plans and urban design frameworks for various towns within the Shire.
  • The development of strategic plans and policies such as the rural land use strategy or heritage study.

Planning Scheme Amendments

Amendments to the scheme can range from the rezoning of a parcel of land to the incorporation of a new structure plan or policy and may be requested by Council, a landowner or a statutory authority.

Please select from the drop down links below to view details regarding current amendments to the Golden Plains Planning Scheme. 

Amendments in Progress
Planning Scheme Amendment C105gpla - Ormond Street Rezoning

Council as the planning authority has prepared Amendment C105gpla to the Golden Plains Planning Scheme at the request of the landowners of 5 to 30 Ormond Street, Bannockburn.

The amendment rezones 5-30 Ormond Street from the Farming Zone to the General Residential 1 Zone (GRZ1) and proposes to introduce Schedule 19 to the Development Plan Overlay (DPO19). The amendment will facilitate the use and development of the land for residential growth consistent with the Bannockburn Framework Plan.

The explanatory report detailing the background and justification of the amendment is available here.

The instruction sheet for how this will change the Planning Scheme is available here.

The Development Plan Overlay Schedule is available here.

The maps showing changes (zoning changes) within the amendment are available here.

Supporting documents to the Amendment application:

The Amendment is on exhibition from 21 November to 23 December 2024. 

Should you have any questions regarding Amendment C105gpla, please contact Council’s Strategic Planning Division on 5220 7111 or [email protected].

Planning Scheme Amendment C104gpla- Teesdale Flood Study

Council has prepared Amendment C104gpla to the Golden Plains Planning Scheme.

The amendment affects land in Teesdale projected to be impacted by floodwater during a 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flood event. The amendment incorporates 2100 climate change projections, as identified in the Teesdale Flood Risk Identification Study (Water Technology Pty Ltd, 2023). All other areas in the municipality currently affected by the Flood Overlay and Land Subject to Inundation Overlay maps but which do not have an associated overlay schedule will be included in the Schedule 2.  

The amendment applies new flood mapping to land identified as flood prone in the township of Teesdale by inserting a new Schedule 2 to the Floodway Overlay (FO2) and Schedule 2 to the Land Subject to Inundation Overlay (LSIO2). The amendment also corrects a past error by providing Schedule 2 for existing FO and LSIO land across the municipality, except for land in Inverleigh whose flood controls are already in Schedule 1; LSIO1 and FO1. Existing LSIO and FO mapped areas will be correctly identified as FO2 and LSIO2.  The schedules for these areas were inadvertently removed from the Golden Plains Planning Scheme when Amendment C80gpla was gazetted on 5 September 2019.

The explanatory report detailing the background and justification of the amendment is available here.

The instruction sheet for how this will change the Planning Scheme is available here.

The Flood Overlay Schedule is available here.

The Land Subject to Inundation Overlay Schedule is available here.

The marked up change to the Schedule to the 72.08 Background Documents is available here.

The full suite of maps showing changes (overlay changes) within the amendment will be available on the Department of Planning Amendment website after the start of exhibition on March 6. Most of these maps only show the change from FO and LSIO to FO2 and LSIO2. The extent of the overlay only changes on maps 24 and 26.

The Teesdale Flood Risk Identification Study Summary Document is available here.

The closing date for submissions is 10 March 2025. 

Should you have any questions regarding Amendment C105gpla, please contact Council’s Strategic Planning Division on 5220 7111 or [email protected].

Recent Amendments
Planning Scheme Amendment GC228

The Barwon Region Water Corporation (Barwon Water) has prepared Amendment GC228 to the Colac Otway, Greater Geelong, Golden Plains, Surf Coast and Queenscliffe Planning Schemes.

The proposed amendment amends the Colac Otway, Greater Geelong, Golden Plains, Surf Coast and Queenscliffe Planning Schemes to rezone a number of Barwon Water owned and managed properties to Public Use Zone 1 - Service and Utility (PUZ1) to reflect the ownership and purpose of the land and to delete a redundant Public Acquisition Overlay from land already acquired by Barwon Water in Ocean Grove.

The Amendment was approved by the Minister for Planning, with notice of this published in the Government Gazette on Thursday 08 August 2024. At this time the changes were incorporated into the Golden Plains Planning Scheme.

The planning authority must make a copy of every submission available at its office for any person to inspect free of charge for two months after the amendment comes into operation or lapses.

GC228 Explanatory Report Exhibition

GC228 Instruction Sheet Exhibition

GC228 Strategic Assessment Guidelines

Golden Plains GC228 001znMaps24_28 Exhibition

Golden Plains GC228 002znMap17 Exhibition


Planning Scheme Amendment C102gpla

Council as the planning authority has prepared Amendment C102gpla to the Golden Plains Planning Scheme.

The amendment implements findings of the Golden Plains Planning Scheme Review 2022. The Review was adopted by Council in November 2023 and was prepared to meet the requirements of Section 12B of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

The purpose of the amendment was to:

  • Clarify and improve the style, format, language, and grammatical form of local policy to ensure it aligns with the principles set out in A Practitioner’s Guide to Victorian Planning Schemes where the intended effect of the respective clause is not changed.
  • Adjust the structure of local content to ensure it aligns with the Ministerial Direction on the Form and Content of Planning Schemes.
  • Update department names, document references, terminology, and statistical data.
  • Remove or update references to outdated content.
  • Reinstate local transport related content formally found in Clause 21.06-1 that was inadvertently omitted during the Planning Policy Framework translation.
  • Reinstate the Environment Audit Overlay in Clause 45.03 and Clause 45.03-1 that was inadvertently omitted following Amendment C91.
  • Update Clause 02.01 Context to include appropriate recognition of the Traditional Owners of the land in which the Golden Plains Shire Council sits.
  • Update Clause 02.02 Vision to include reference to the most recently adopted Council Plan.
  • Introduce factual content from the Golden Plains Economic Development and Tourism Strategy 2017-2021 and the Golden Plains Sport and Active Recreation Strategy 2020-2030 to the context sections of Clause 02.03-8 Transport and Clause 02.03-9 Infrastructure.
  • Update schedule 2 at Clause 32.03 to remove the permit requirement for outbuildings that was inadvertently included as part of Amendment C91.
  • Insert a new schedule at Clause 35.03 Rural Living Zone to ensure the proper use of the Victoria Planning Provisions.
  • Update the schedule to Clause 74.02 Further Strategic Work to prioritise Council’s strategic work program based on the findings of the Review.


A report explaining the components of the amendment is available here.

The ordinance changes (policy/schedule changes) within the amendment are available here.

The maps showing changes (zoning changes) within the amendment are available here.


The Amendment was published in the Special Government Gazette and commences operation on 20 December 2024.

Should you have any questions regarding Amendment C102gpla, please contact Council’s Strategic Planning Division on 5220 7111 or [email protected].

Strategic Plans and Policies

Golden Plains Shire is responsible for various plans and strategies which help guide and shape land use planning and development in the municipality. Please click on the drop down link below for a list of these plans and strategies.

Current Projects
Smythesdale Structure Plan

Preparation of a new Structure Plan for Smythesdale has been on hold while the shire-wide Growing Places Strategy is completed.  You can read more about the Growing Places Strategy here


In mid-2021, Council consulted with the Smythesdale community about developing a Structure Plan to provide direction for future development in the town. This involved exploring the potential for housing growth.
The consultation identified the need for a stronger emphasis on bushfire risk in future planning considerations. This was also expressed by the Country Fire Authority (CFA).
In 2022, Council completed further work, including a Strategic Bushfire Risk Assessment prepared by an independent consultant.
The Strategic Bushfire Risk Assessment has assessed the level of bushfire risk across the whole of Golden Plains Shire. It has confirmed that, from a future planning perspective, Smythesdale is a higher risk location than other parts of the Shire. This means initial ideas for growth in Smythesdale, as discussed with the community in 2021, are no longer appropriate. Instead, other lower-risk locations should be prioritised for housing growth.


For existing properties in Smythesdale, there is no change to the current planning rules that apply. However, the Strategy Bushfire Risk Assessment has reinforced that Smythesdale has a high bushfire risk – one that the community, fire authorities, land managers and Council must continue to manage through a range of programs and actions.
The Structure Plan process provides the opportunity to consider the opportunities for the town including building out existing zoned land, some incremental growth to harden the edges, tourism development and a future plan which is mindful of bushfire and enhances the town’s bushfire resilience.


We are re-commencing work on the Structure Plan for Smythesdale including, considering whether Smythesdale can be made further bushfire resilient. You can read more about this in our Fact Sheet.

A settlement scale bushfire assessment of Smythesdale is being undertaken to consider opportunities to enhance the overall resilience of the township and achieve an overall risk reduction. The initial results of the assessment has led to the development of an Opportunities Report. A Bushfire Planning Assessment for the areas identified in the Opportunities Report has been completed. Additional assessments will also be undertaken and used to inform the preparation of a new Smythesdale Structure Plan.

Council re-commenced engagement on this project at the Smythesdale Community Market on November 16 2024. A member of the Strategic Planning Team will be available at the Smythesdale Well on the following dates during business hours (appointment preferred) should you wish to meet:

  • Friday 29 November
  • Wednesday 4 December
  • Wednesday 11 December
  • Wednesday 18 December
  • Friday 17 January 2025
  • Friday 24 January 2025 

A further workshop with the community has been scheduled for 18 February, 2025. Consultation will continue throughout the preparation of the project which is expected to continue through 2025 with further assessments and refinements to a draft Structure Plan. 

This webpage will be used to provide further updates as the project progresses.  


Key Project Phases

1.    Review Background Report (2024)
2.    Community Engagement, Draft Structure Plan (end 2024-25)
3.    Planning Scheme Amendment with formal public exhibition process

Teesdale Flood Study

Council has commissioned a flood study for Teesdale in order to update the existing flood mapping for Native Hut Creek and a key tributary.

The flood study will:

  • Provide a more accurate picture of flood mapping in relation to Native Hut Creek and a key tributary. This may be used for future urban planning to ensure development is appropriate for the risk, and to inform emergency management organisations of areas at risk in a flood event.
  • Describe options for a flood warning system for the town.
  • Provide floor level surveys.
  • Identify potential flood mitigation options for Aboriginal Cultural Heritage values around Native Hut Creek, if any are found.

Thankyou to all those who participated in the community consultation sessions in early August, and especially those who provided valuable historic data and evidence. This is a benefit to the study.

The initial technical report has been complied by the consultants, with ongoing verification and additional modelling being undertaken currently. 

During consultation, several residents highlighted issues with urban flooding, and Council is proceeding with a supplementary investigation into this. The reporting of the urban flooding analysis will be separate from the riverine flooding which is the focus of the flood study.

The flood study findings have been completed and were adopted by Council at the meeting on October 24 2023. A Planning Scheme Amendment has been authorised to be prepared and sent to the Minister for Planning for approval.

The reports for the Teesdale Flood Risk Identification Study can be read here:

Growing Places Strategy

In late 2021, Council commenced work on a project to understand and guide where population growth and development could be supported in the Shire over the next 15 to 25 years. 

The Growing Places Strategy (the GPS) will be a high-level plan that will show generally where growth could be located between now and 2050. 

The GPS will seek to maximise the benefits of growth and at the same time protect our historic townships, rural enterprises, natural environment and the lifestyle our community loves. 

You can read more about how our broader region is growing, what this means for Golden Plains Shire, and the progress of the GPS on our project webpage

To inform the GPS, Council has engaged independent experts to undertake a range of studies. These are listed below and links provided to the completed documents. 

The information in these reports have been combined into an Informing Document.

Council endorsed the draft Growing Places Strategy for community and stakeholder engagement at the August Council Meeting. A Fact Sheet about the draft Strategy can be read here. A short presentation about the Strategy can be watched here.

The draft Strategy can be read here, and we will be seeking feedback on this draft until the end of January 2025.

You can also review the proposed changes to the Planning Scheme that will implement the Growing Places Strategy.

Following finalisation of the GPS, a Planning Scheme Amendment will be undertaken to incorporate it into our Golden Plains Planning Scheme. 

For more information visit 

Recent Projects
Regional Growth Plans
G21 Geelong Region Plan

The G21 Geelong Region Plan is a sustainability plan for the region that looks toward 2050. It identifies and addresses the challenges the region will face in the areas of environment, settlement, land use, community strength and economy as well as the need for change in the way we make things happen.

The plan was developed during 2006/07 and represents the work and opinions of hundreds of people and organisations including G21 Councils, the State Government, peak bodies and environmental, community and business organisations of the region.

G21 is the alliance of a variety of independent organisations with a shared vision for the Geelong region.

Members of the alliance include the municipalities of Colac Otway, Golden Plains, Greater Geelong, Queenscliffe and Surf Coast, the Victorian Government and over 100 community and business organisations committed to securing a bright and sustainable future for the region.

The alliance is not an authority, it is a collaborative voice for the region that provides:

  • A platform for the region to speak with one voice to all levels of government.
  • A forum to discuss ‘big picture’ regional issues across interest groups and municipalities.
  • Efficiency through facilitating multi-agency collaboration and sharing of information and resources.
  • More resources from all levels of government and the private sector through the co-ordination and prioritisation of regional projects, and
  • Alignment of the objectives of major regional organisations with those for the sustainability of the region.

Find out more about the G21 Regional Growth Plan.

Central Highlands Regional Growth Plan

The Central Highlands Regional Growth Plan provides a regional approach to land use planning in the Central Highlands. It covers the municipalities of Ararat, Ballarat, Golden Plains, Hepburn, Moorabool and Pyrenees and identifies opportunities to encourage and accommodate growth and manage change over the next 30 years. 

Find out more about the Central Highlands Regional Growth Plan.

Current Structure Plans
Bannockburn Growth Plan
Batesford Structure Plan
Meredith, Lethbridge and Napoleons Structure Plans
Rokewood, Corindhap & Dereel Urban Design Framework

The Rokewood, Corindhap & Dereel Integrated Urban Design Framework is made up of three key documents, including:

  • A Community Action Plan, including a plan for community facility and service provision for the three towns
  • Town Structure Plans for Rokewood, Corindhap & Dereel that will ultimately be included in the Golden Plains Planning Scheme
  • A Town Place Plan for Dereel that identifies township improvements, complementing the Town Place Plans that already exist for Rokewood & Corindhap

These documents can be accessed via the links provided below:




Rokewood Corindhap Dereel Urban Design Framework

Shelford Structure Plan
Smythesdale Urban Design Framework
Teesdale Structure Plan