In 2022, Golden Plains Shire led a consortium with Moorabool and Hepburn Shire Councils with a submission to the State Government’s Rural Council Transformation Program Round 2 funding program. The funding approved was to deliver a LoRaWAN IoT network across the three shires to enable the deployment of sensors to gather data on the utilisation and status of assets. This allows improved visibility management and planning of our assets using real time data.
What Golden Plains Shire also highlighted in our funding submission was to extend the use and availability of the network into the community. We particularly saw the agricultural sector as potential users of the network.
What is LoRaWAN?
LoRaWAN stands for Long-Range Wide Area Network, using the frequencies of 915 and 923 Mhz. The network facilitates the deployment and connection of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors.
These small, inexpensive sensors can have a battery life of over five years using batteries as small as AA size. The data from the sensors can then be used to alert owners of potential problems or tracked using The Things Network (TTN) into mobile apps or dashboards.
Gateway Locations
Golden Plains has deployed seven gateways across the Shire with the aim of providing full coverage to all areas.
The map below shows the current gateway locations and potential coverage from each point. Gateway installations are best placed on geographical highpoints and fantastic partnerships have been created with a group of businesses to co-locate on their assets around the Shire to ensure better coverage.
Agricultural use cases
- Stock water monitoring
- Electric Fence monitoring
- Gate access
- Vehicle traffic
- Rainfall/weather monitoring
- Salinity/soil moisture monitoring
The use of and connection to the Gateway network is free. Sensors and associated subscriptions are purchased from external vendors and allow the display of the information collected by the sensors.
Sensors usually range in costs from $400 to $700 range with more sophisticated units available for over $1000. Subscriptions are typically in the order of $100-200 per sensor per annum.
Terms of Use
The Smart Shires gateway network can be utilised by any farmer or agricultural group. Golden Plains Shire monitors and maintains the network for its own internal use via best efforts but does not warrant 24/7 operation or any availability targets.
Due to the nature of low-power radio communications, there will be areas of poor LoRaWAN coverage throughout the Shire, especially in densely wooded areas, gullies and valleys. Before purchasing LoRaWAN sensor equipment, please check with the supplier for advice. Council is also able to assist with on-farm LoRaWAN signal strength assessments.
Read the Smart Shire Network Fact Sheet
Contact Details
For further information on LoRaWAN (Long-Range Wide Area Network), contact Golden Plains Shire Council ICT Project Officer Peter Fisher on (03) 5220 7189 or email [email protected]