Golden Plains Shire road network is one of the larger local government road networks in Victoria, with 1,712 kilometres of sealed roads, gravel roads and unformed roads.
Road Hierarchy
Golden Plains Shire has a road network comprising of Highways and Main Roads, as well as Local Roads.
Highways and Main Roads
Highways and Main Roads are fully managed by VicRoads. Highways are A and B class roads and Main Roads are C class roads in the statewide route numbering system.
A and B Class Roads (managed by VicRoads) highlighted in blue and red.
If you wish to report a VicRoads managed road defect/fault, you can contact:
Local Roads
Most Local Roads within the Shire are the responsibility of Council; for management, maintenance and construction. Local Roads will either be sealed or unsealed. A copy of our Register of Public Roads can be found here.
Some unformed roads and tracks in forest areas and CFA fire access tracks are the Shire’s responsibility; others are the responsibility of Government Departments such as DELWP. Call our Customer Service team on 5220 7111 for more information.
Sealed Roads
Most sealed local roads within the Shire are the responsibility of Council. This includes the management, maintenance and construction of roads.
The most common defects reported for sealed roads include potholes and deterioration of road surface. If you wish to report a sealed road defect/fault, please contact Council’s Customer Experience Team on 5220 7111 or report an issue online.
Unsealed Roads
The unsealed road network, managed and maintained by the Shire, is approximately 705 kilometres in length. With a growing population, more people than ever are travelling around the Shire and Council is delivering a new scheduling system for grading unsealed roads that is better, more efficient and fairer for road users across the Shire.
Our Commitment
Council have developed a new Unsealed Roads Charter and Road Grading Program to commit to the maintenance of unsealed roads that are managed by Council. All unsealed roads will be graded once per financial year, and defects attended to in line with our unsealed roads charter.
2024-25 Road Grading Program
We have created a Road Grading Program to allow for unsealed roads in the Shire that are maintained by Council to be graded throughout the year. The aim of the Grading Program is to answer the most common question we hear - “when will our road be graded”. The program will provide our customers with that answer and an assurance of when each road will be graded.
The 2024-25 program runs from July 2024 to April 2025. During the warmer months, when it's too dry for maintenance grading works to be cost effective and efficient, graders may be engaged to complete drainage, construction or sealed road shoulder maintenance.
If Council receives a request from a customer advising that an unsealed road requires maintenance due to perceived poor condition, our Supervisor - Roads & Drainage, will conduct an inspection on the road in line with our intervention levels. If intervention levels have been exceeded, maintenance will be undertaken in line with Council's Road Management Plan
The intervention levels for unsealed roads are as follows;
- Corrugations: > 65mm depth for more than 30% of 1km of road length
- Pot Holes: >100mm depth and >400mm diameter
If you wish to report a fault or defect on one of Council's roads, contact Council's Customer Experience Team on 5220 7111 or report an issue online.
Road Grading Schedule
Golden Plains Shire Council's Road Grading Schedule is available to view through Council's events calendar and events page.
Please click here to view the events page, and search for your town in the "keywords" search box to see when your road is scheduled to be graded.

Then click on the entry to view the list of roads to be graded in that area.

Please note these listings are a guide only and are subject to change.
To view the events calendar with all road grading listings click here.
Roads and Signage Fact Sheets
Fact sheet 1: Construction in a road reserve
Fact sheet 2: Tourist and business signage guidelines
Fact sheet 3: Defibrillator signage
Fact sheet 4: Township or district signage
Application Form 1: Works Within Road Reserve application form