Welcome to the Golden Plains Shire Council's Business Concierge Service, a dedicated program designed to support and guide businesses through every stage of their journey. Whether you are looking to start, grow, or expand your business in our thriving home, our Business Concierge Service provide personalized assistance tailored to your unique needs.
We offer expert advice, practical resources, and connections to local networks, ensuring you have the tools and support necessary for success. Our team is here to make your business experience seamless, providing guidance on everything from permits and planning to funding opportunities and community engagement. At Golden Plains Shire Council, we are committed to fostering a business-friendly environment that encourages innovation, growth, and long-term success.
Our services include:
- business training, networking and mentoring
- help to open or grow your business
- assistance with permit requirements
- completing and submitting permit applications
- assistance with other areas in council
- event applications and support
Let us help you unlock the potential of your business in our vibrant community.
For more information, please contact our Economic Development Team on 03 5220 7111 or email [email protected]