Fire Restrictions
The 2024/25 Fire Danger Period will commence at 1.00a.m. on Monday 25 November 2024. All fires must be extinguished by that time.
Burning off is permitted outside of the Fire Danger Period as long as you:
1. Register your burn off on 1800 668 511 or firepermits.vic.gov.au and
2. The smoke from your burn off does not cause a nuisance to your neighbours.
The CFA introduces Fire Restrictions for all private land in Golden Plains Shire over the summer period each year. Fire restrictions are determined by the CFA in response to weather and fuel curing in the lead up to summer and they advise Council accordingly.
During Fire Restrictions or the 'Fire Danger Period', residents are required to obtain a permit to burn in the open air. Permits will only be issued to landowners for agricultural purposes. These permits are available from the CFA.
It is also important to know if a Total Fire Ban applies to you. Golden Plains Shire sits within the Central Fire District and so Total Fire Bans for the Central Fire District apply to the whole of the Golden Plains Shire area.
See the CFA website (www.cfa.vic.gov.au) or the CFA Can I or Can't I page for more information on fire restrictions during the Fire Danger Period.
Burning Off and Incinerators
No fires are permitted in the open air during the declared Fire Danger Period (fire restriction period) without a Permit to Burn issued by the CFA. More information regarding burning off, using incinerators or having a camp fire can be found on the CFA's Can I or Can't I page available on the CFA website.
Residents are reminded that they cannot burn off offensive materials, including chemicals, rubber, plastic, petrol, oil, paint, treated timber, furniture or mattresses. If you know of a pile of these items ready to be burnt, Contact Council and a Community Safety Officer will attend, inspect and educate the resident.
If you need to dispose of garden refuse during the Fire Danger Period, you have the option of taking it to the tip or waiting until restrictions are lifted.
The use of properly constructed incinerators is permitted in certain areas of Golden Plains Shire (not in General Residential Zone areas). However, before lighting an incinerator or burning off your pile of garden waste, consider your neighbours. Try to burn off on days when the wind is blowing away from your neighbour's home and when they don't have washing on the line. Always supervise your burn and ensure your fire is completely extinguished before leaving it unattended.
It is an offence under Council's Local Law for residents who undertake a burn off and fail to log their burn off with the Burn Off Notification line on 1800 668 511 or firepermits.vic.gov.au. This helps to minimise the risk of the local fire brigade being called to your burn.
Farmers intending to burn crop stubble can apply to the CFA for Schedule 13 Permits to Burn via https://firepermits.vic.gov.au/
NO burning is permitted in the open on days of TOTAL FIRE BAN.
Fire Prevention Notices
Properties deemed to be a high fire risk (e.g. long uncut grass) to either themselves or their immediate neighbours are issued with a Fire Prevention Notice instructing the landholder to carry out certain works to reduce the risk in the lead up to the Fire Danger Period.
Owners of land are required to keep their properties cut to a maximum height of 300 millimetres during the non-fire season and then to a maximum height of 100 millimetres during the fire danger period.
As the result of inspections, the owners of any properties where grass growth has reached more than 100 millimetres may be issued with a Fire Prevention Notice. The Notice will specify what works are required to remove the fire hazard and give a date by which all clearance works must be completed.
Landholders are given a period of time to comply before a second round of inspections are conducted. Council will enter land and carry out fire hazard reduction works when landholders do not comply with their Fire Prevention Notice and bill the cost of the works back to the owner.
Keeping the grass cut at lower heights reduces the speed of a fire and also the height of flames should a fire occur. Well-maintained properties reduce the risk posed to the community.
Maintenance of vacant land is the responsibility of the owner - whether they are a resident or non-resident.
During October, Council will begin its own fire prevention works, commencing the annual roadside slashing program of all sealed roads and strategic fire breaks to reduce fuel loads. Council also conducts burning of selected reserves to remove fire hazards. This program commences in the drier south of the Shire before moving north, with the program completed by Christmas. For more information about this program, visit Council's Fire FAQ page here.