Golden Plains Shire Council sits on the Municipal Fire Management Sub-Committee with CFA, FRV, Victoria Police, FFMV, Parks Victoria and Transport Victoria. This sub-committee has an obligation to contribute towards community fire safety. The sub-committee recognises the potential threat fire poses to the community and aims to reduce this threat by developing and implementing the Municipal Fire Management Sub- Plan.
The plan is aimed at ensuring the individuals and organisations within Golden Plains Shire are aware of potential fire risks and understand their roles and responsibilities for mitigating these risks. You may access the plan by clicking on the link below.
Municipal Fire Management Plan
(For copies of other appendices associated with this Plan, contact Councils Municipal Fire Prevention Officer).
Council has developed a Frequently Asked Questions Information Sheet to assist residents with understanding Council's role in fire prevention.
Municipal Fire Prevention Officer
The Municipal Fire Prevention Officer (MFPO) is Council's Executive Officer to the Municipal Fire Management Sub-Committee and oversees the implementation of parts of the Municipal Fire Management Plan. The MFPO also conducts inspections of properties across the Shire and issues Fire Prevention Notices to ensure that fire hazards are reduced.
The Municipal Fire Prevention Officer will:
- Inspect properties
- Issue Fire Prevention Notices
- Oversee the implementation of the Municipal Fire Management Sub-Plan
Fire Access Tracks
Our Municipal Fire Management Plan, approved by the CFA, lists a Fire Access Track as;
A track constructed and/or maintained for fire management purposes which is not generally of a standard adequate for all-weather use by two-wheel drive vehicles.
Golden Plains Shire Council currently supports 23 Fire Access Tracks across the municipal area. These tracks have been adopted over a number of years through recognition of their importance within a community, through development as part of the subdivision process or via requests from local CFA brigades who view a particular route as providing essential access in the event of a fire.
The provision of Fire Access Tracks does not alter the legislated ability of CFA resources to enter any property or place to control a fire. Fire Access Tracks simply facilitate rapid access by CFA resources into or through particular areas.
Fire Access Tracks are not escape routes for the public. Use of Fire Access Tracks as escape routes by members of the public during a fire event may place users at significantly higher risk than if they’d stayed on formed roads.