Council Meeting Summary: August 2020


The August Meeting of Council for 2020 was held via Zoom last night, Tuesday 25 August, with all Councillors in attendance. In line with new allowances from the Victorian Government due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held virtually and livestreamed on Council’s YouTube page.


The meeting began with the confirmation of the August Assembly of Councillors, before Councillors updated their colleagues and the public watching at home on what online events and forums they called into over the last month. Following this, Councillors moved on to a number of reports.

P19-007 47 MIDDLETON DRIVE, Bannockburn

Council approved the planning permit for a two-lot subdivision at this location, subject to conditions.


Following the deferment from last month’s meeting, Council granted a planning permit for a staged three-lot subdivision and variation of covenant at this Batesford property.

P20-024 79 Vaggs Road, Ross Creek

Council supported the officer’s recommendation to refuse to grant a planning permit for the Use and Development of land for a Place of Assembly at 79 Vaggs Road, Ross Creek. With 21 objections and 4 letters of support, the recommendation was made due to: the proposal not being consistent with the purposes of the Rural Living Zone, and the proposed use would have the potential to create adverse amenity impacts on the adjoining and nearby land uses.

Local Law No. 2

At its June 2020 meeting, Council resolved to commence proceedings to review Council’s local law relating to the amenity of the community. At its August meeting, Council resolved to put the Draft Local Law No. 2 out for public exhibition and comment from 26 August to 22 September 2020. The submissions will be presented to Council with a decision on the review to be made in 2021.

Draft Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040

The Draft Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040 has been prepared to reflect the community's hopes, aspirations and priorities for the next 20 years. Development of the Draft Community Vision 2040 was undertaken in partnership with the Community Vision 2040 Reference Group and has been informed by extensive engagement with communities across Golden Plains Shire during 2020.

At its August meeting, Council received the Draft Golden Plains Shire Community Vision 2040, thanked the Community Vision 2040 Reference Group members for their outstanding contribution to the Vision project and acknowledge the 567 community members and stakeholders that participated in either the open or focused engagement activities; and referred the Draft Vision to the new Council for adoption.

Sport and Active Recreation Strategy 2020-2030

Council has partnered with Sport and Recreation Victoria (SRV) to fund the development of a new Sport and Active Recreation Strategy to inform strategic planning, development and delivery of sport and active recreation infrastructure, programming and services for the period 2020–2030.

The Sport and Active Recreation Strategy 2020-2030 was developed following extensive community consultation and was adopted by Council.

Leighdale Equestrian Centre Masterplan

The Masterplan will inform strategic planning, development and delivery of infrastructure and programming opportunities at the Leighdale Equestrian Centre for the period 2020-2030. Developed with feedback from 163 community responses, the Leighdale Equestrian Centre Masterplan (2020-2030) was adopted by Council.

Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy

Council’s Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy is a 10-year strategic plan for several service areas including garbage, recycling and organic waste collections, transfer station, waste education, litter and illegal dumping, and closed landfills and rehabilitation.

The Strategy has a range of achievable interim targets and goals to be met over the next five years, as well as aspirational goals to work towards by 2030. The actions that are presented in the Strategy have been tailored through the results of the community engagement, analysis of waste data, Victorian Government reforms, and the state of current waste processing infrastructure.

Informed by 763 responses to the Future Waste Service Strategy survey and 18 response to the Draft Strategy, Council adopted the Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2020-2030.

Financial Hardship Additional Support

In June 2020, Council resolved to allocate an additional $100,000 in financial support for ratepayers and residents experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At its Council Meeting on 25 August, Council approved the following extension measures to its existing COVID Hardship Policy:

  • Extension of interest waived on overdue rates from 30 September 2020 to 30 June 2021
  • Support customer applications for:
  • Deferring payment of rates to 30 June 2021
  • Waiving a maximum of $500 off rates at principal place of residence to customers receiving JobSeeker as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Waiving a maximum of $500 off rates on businesses receiving JobKeeper payments as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Waiving $100 off rates on properties for customers who can demonstrate 30% or more reduction in income
  • Continued suspension of debt recovery action from 30 September 2020 to 30 June 2021

In April 2020, Golden Plains Shire Council established its COVID-19 Financial Hardship Policy, confirming a package of financial relief options for local residents and businesses to support the Golden Plains community in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Council’s original COVID-19 Financial Hardship Policy included the following measures through to 30 September 2020: suspension of all current debt recovery action for unpaid 2019/20 rates; a waiver on interest on overdue 2019/20 rates; and interest waivers and payment plans for animal registration.

Council’s Financial Hardship Policy also includes a range of Council support for local businesses and a commitment to continue budgeted capital works as scheduled to maximise local business and employment opportunities.

2019-20 Roll Forward Projects

Council noted the programs and projects to be rolled over from Council’s 2019/20 Budget to the 2020/21 Financial Year.

Review of Instrument Delegation – Council Members to Staff

Council considered the powers conferred by legislation, referred to as the Instruments of Delegation. Following debate, an amendment was made to the proposal for officers to make decisions on applications for two-lot subdivisions that have received less than five objections. Council approved the amendment to support the proposal as stated for less than three objections rather than ‘less than five’.

Local Government Act 2020 Implementation – Documents for Adoption

In July 2020, Council endorsed the Draft Governance Rules including the Public Participation in Council Meetings Policy and Election Period Policy, and the Public Transparency Policy, for public exhibition. With three submissions received, these documents were adopted by Council with the commitment to a review on the Governance Rules in September 2020.

Geelong Regional Library Corporation – Endorsement of Colac Otway Shire Council Membership

Council endorsed Colac Otway Shire Council’s plan to join the Geelong Regional Library Corporation.


The next monthly meeting of Council will be held virtually on Monday, 21 September 2020, and will be available by livestream.

Mayor's Video Update

Watch the video update from Mayor Cr Owen Sharkey with highlights from the August 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council.

Watch the August 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council

Watch the recording of the August 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council.

Part One

Part Two