Council Meeting Summary: March 2020


The March Ordinary Meeting of Council for 2020 went ahead at the changed location of the Bannockburn Cultural Centre last night, Tuesday 24 March, with all Councillors except Cr Joanne Gilbert in attendance. The meeting location was changed from the Linton Customer Service Centre to allow greater distance between all attendees of the public meeting, with chairs spaced well apart to meet social distancing requirements and all attendees requested to wash their hands or use hand sanitiser prior to entry.

Delegates Report

The meeting began with Councillors updating their colleagues and members in the public gallery on what events and forums they attended over the last month. Following this, Councillors moved on to three planning permits.

Planning Application P19-240

The first application was for a two lot subdivision at 69 Yverdon Drive, Bannockburn. The application was referred to the Council Meeting for determination because there was an objection. The applicant was present and addressed Councillors about their application. Council supported the granting of the planning permit.

Planning Application P18-142

The second planning application was for a three lot subdivision at 34 Brooke Street, Smythesdale. The proposal would retain the existing building on a larger lot with access and a frontage to Brooke Street, with two additional lots to have a frontage to Lynch Street. The application was again referred to Councillors due to objections. Councillors heard from a representative of the applicant, and agreed to grant the permit, in accordance with the officer’s report which included a number of conditions.

Planning Application P02-102A

The final planning application was to amend an existing permit for an expansion of a piggery at 3140 Midland Highway, Lethbridge. Council received more than 50 objections to the proposal, and both the applicant and two objectors spoke in the Council Chamber. Councillors agreed to defer a decision to the next Council meeting, in order to seek further information on a number of matters related to effluent disposal.

EOI for the lease of the Bannockburn Shire Hall

Following the planning applications, Councillors then discussed the future of the Bannockburn Shire Hall. With construction of Stage One of the Golden Plains Community and Civic Centre almost complete, including the new Council Chambers, Council resolved to seek expressions of interest from people interested in establishing a commercial or retail service at the Hall in High Street, Bannockburn. The leased area will include the building, a portion of the grounds and front entry area only. The War Memorial at the front of the building will remain under Council management, as will the public noticeboard at the rear of the building. 

Review of Instrument Delegation and Instrument of Appointment and Authorisation

Councillors then considered two procedural reports:

  • A review of delegation to Council staff, and;
  • Instrument of Appointment and Authorisation under the Planning and Environment Act 1987


Finally, Council considered the petition to stop the closure of Christies Bridge on Golden Lake Road in Piggoreet that it formally received at the February Meeting. Following a discussion, a majority of Councillors resolved to re-affirm Council’s decision made at the August Ordinary Meeting to not proceed with the replacement of the bridge. The lead petitioner will be notified of this decision.

Thank you to the community members who attended the meeting. The next Ordinary Meeting of Council is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 28 April, 2020 at the Bannockburn Shire Hall.


Watch the video update from Mayor Cr Owen Sharkey with highlights from the March 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council.