Rates and Charges

Information about rates and charges levied during a financial year.

Rates and charges

Rates and charges levied during a financial year are a charge on the property. 

All Golden Plains Shire ratepayers will receive their 2024/25 Rate Notices in the mail in August 2024.

For most residents, the annual Rates Notice is one of the larger bills you receive each year.

While your tax payment to fund the State and Federal Government is likely taken out of your income before you receive your pay, your contribution to community projects and services delivered by Local Government comes to you in one rates notice.

There are three options for paying your Rates & Charges in 2024/25:

  1. One full payment - due by 15 February 2025.
  2. Four Instalments - due: 30 September, 30 November, 28 February, and 31 May.
    • Direct debit is available or notices are mailed out for each instalment with a range of payment options.
  3. 10 monthly direct debit payments - due on the 15th of the month from September 2024 to June 2025.
    • Must register for direct debit by contacting Council

For more information on your Rates Notice, download our Rates Brochure or contact our Rates Team at 5220 7111.


Register to Receive Your Rates Online

Register to receive your rates online 

If you register on this site you will be able to review or print your rates notices at any time. 

Annual notices and instalments notices will be available online. If you have any questions please contact us.

Methods of Payment

  • Online: Pay online using our Make a Payment portal
  • POST billpay: Refer to the POST billpay reference number on the front of your rates notice.
  • BPAY:  Telephone your participating Bank, Credit Union or Building Society to make this payment directly from your cheque, savings account or credit card. Your Bank may also offer Bpay via internet banking.
  • Direct Debit: Direct Debit is available for the four instalment and ten monthly payment options
  • By Post: Forward either a money order or cheque crossed "Not Negotiable" and payable to Golden Plains Shire Council.
    • Mail to: Golden Plains Shire Council, PO Box 111, Bannockburn Vic 3331
  • In Person

Interest penalty on late payments

In Full or Instalment Payment Options:

  • If not paid by the respective due dates, then the manner in which interest is charged on both payment options, is on and from the date on which each missed instalment was due. Interest continues to be payable until the account is paid in full. Interest will be charged at 10% pa as fixed under Section 2 of the Penalty Interest Rates Act 1983. Interest is charged in accordance with Section 172 Local Government Act 1989.
  • If you are having difficulty paying your rates by the due date, please contact Council's Rates Team to arrange alternative payments. Failure to make contact can lead to legal costs and a poor credit rating. 

Change of Address 

Property owners and ratepayers of properties are required to notify Council of any changes to their address. You can update your details quick and easily by clicking here.

Alternatively you can contact the Customer Experience Team to obtain a change of details form.  Please note, we cannot accept change of addresses over the phone.

Non-receipt of rate notices or delays in postal delivery, in many instances, are not the fault of Council and therefore are not considered to be an acceptable excuse for late payment of rates. If a rate notice has not been received by mid September, please contact us to obtain a copy.


All rateable properties are valued annually. The undertaking of Land valuations (for rates, fire services levy and land tax purposes) in Victoria is now the responsibility of the Valuer-General Victoria and will be conducted on an annual basis rather than every second year. 

Objection to Property Valuation

Any person who desires to object against their valuation, must lodge an objection with Council within two months of the issuing of the rates notice. The grounds for objecting against the valuation are stated on the prescribed form, which can be obtained by contacting the Rates team.

To lodge an objection, use the link to the Valuer General Victoria's Objection Portal below:

Lodge an objection

Objection Form - Residential

Objection Form - Rural

Objection Form - Commercial/Industrial


Additional Information on Rates
Supplementary Property Valuations

What is a Supplementary Valuation?

Under current legislation land valuations are centralised under Valuer-General Victoria (VGV), with an annual cycle of valuations. Council must undertake an annual General Valuation of all properties in the municipality for rating purposes.

In accordance with the Valuation of Land Act further Valuations are required to be carried out between General Valuations. These are known as Supplementary Valuations. Once a Supplementary Valuation is completed, Council adopts the amended valuation in order to levy your rate charge.

When is a Supplementary Valuation done?

Supplementary Valuations are carried out, for example, when properties are physically changed by buildings being erected, demolished or altered; or when properties are amalgamated, subdivided, portions sold off, rezoned or roads constructed. Therefore, should your Valuation have altered on your current rate notice, this may have been caused by one of the above.

Why do a Supplementary Valuation?

Supplementary Valuations are adopted to bring the value of properties into line with values assigned to other properties in the municipality and are based on levels of value used for the General Valuation.

The purpose of Supplementary Valuations is to ensure, as near as practicable, that the rating valuation reflects the current property condition having regard to levels of value applying at the date prescribed for the General Valuation.

How is it done?

Upon receipt of approved building, planning or subdivision files, Council’s Valuers will undertake supplementary valuations of the property. The appropriate levels for value are then applied to the subject property in accordance with predetermined market analysis information;

(The levels of value applied to a specific property, are subject to variation caused by the property location, design and construction materials.)

Once a Valuation is determined, Council adopts the revised values for rating purposes and issues a revised Supplementary Notice.

What if I disagree with the Supplementary Valuation?

A formal objection may be made in relation to the value of a property and also upon other grounds so specified in the Valuation of Land Act. Ratepayers may object to their valuations, within two months of service of notice.

Please contact council to discuss your intention to object, who will then advise the Councils Valuer of your intention to object.

What happens if I object?

After receiving an objection Council’s Valuer must discuss the matter with the objector, who, if not satisfied with the decision may appeal to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, or to the Supreme Court.

How do Supplementary Property Valuations affect my rates?

As previously mentioned, a Supplementary Property Valuation will occur when properties are physically changed by buildings being erected, demolished or altered; or when properties are amalgamated, subdivided, portions sold off, rezoned or roads constructed.

For example, prior to the construction of a new dwelling, only the land is subject to rates. Upon receipt of approved building, planning or subdivision files, Council’s Valuers will undertake supplementary valuations of the property.

Rates Calculation

As each Supplementary Valuation is completed, Council applies the General Rate charge to any additional Capital Improved Value (change in property value). This amount is then calculated as a pro-rata amount depending on how many days are remaining in the financial year.

The lodging of an objection does not constitute grounds for non-payment of the council rate as assessed on this notice. Payment is required to be made by the due date pending the outcome of any objection.

Farm Rate

Council offers a concessional rating differential (5% to 12.5% reduction from the standard Residential rating differential) to genuine framers who meets the eligibility criteria listed under Section 2 of the Valuation of Land Act 1960. As per the Act and Council's rating purposes, “Farm land” means any rateable land,

(a) that is not less than 2 hectares in area; and

(b) that is used primarily for grazing (including agistment), dairying, pig-farming, poultry-farming, fish-farming, tree-farming, bee-keeping, viticulture, horticulture, fruit-growing or the growing of crops of any kind or for any combination of those activities; and

(c) that is used by a business -

           (i) that has a significant and substantial commercial purpose or character; and

           (ii) that seeks to make a profit on a continuous or repetitive basis from its activities on the land; and

           (iii) that is making a profit from its activities on the land, or that has a reasonable prospect of making a profit from its activities on the land if it continues to operate in the way that it is operating.

Eligible farms over 40 Hectares can receive the 12.5% discounted rating differential, while eligible intensive farms can receive the 5% discounted differential.

If you are currently registered with the Australian Tax Office as a “Primary producer” and meets the above-listed criteria under Farm land please contact the rates team to request an application form to become eligible for the farm concession rate.

Pension Concession

Under the State Government's Pensioner Rate Assistance Scheme, Council can provide a 50% deduction on the Council rate, municipal and garbage charges, up to a yearly maximum $253.20 for 2023-24. There is also eligibility for $50 to be deducted from the Fire Service Levy. To be eligible for the concession, you must:

  • Hold a current Centrelink or Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) Pensioner Concession Card, or a DVA Repatriation Health Card specifying 'War Widow'. (Note: Holders of a Health Care Card are not eligible for a concession).
  • The property for which you are seeking the rebate is your Principal Place of Residence
  • Not yet made an application for any other property, or with any other council during the financial year

To apply for this concession please complete the Municipal Rate Concession Form and email the form and copy of your concession card to [email protected]; or please complete form in person at one of Council's Customer Hubs and present your concession card to one of our Customer Experience Officers. 

There is no need to re-apply if we already have your details. 

Additional information may be obtained from the Department of Human Services website:  Concessions - Department of Human Services, Victoria, Australia

Recently Deceased Ratepayer - what you need to know

If you are the executor of the estate, remaining joint property owner, or know someone who has passed away and owns property within Golden Plains Shire Council, the below checklist may be of assistance:

Recently Deceased Ratepayer

Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I pay Rates?

Rates are a property-based tax, not a direct user charge for services received. Local Government has a responsibility to provide access to services and infrastructure for the public benefit of all. The choice not to use services, or the benefits of Council infrastructure, does not remove the expectation that all property owners pay a fair share of rates.

Rates and charges assist in providing a range of services including road construction and maintenance, recreation and community facilities, home and community care, garbage collection, town planning and economic development, just to name a few.

Where do my Rates go?

Within Golden Plains Shire, rates revenue is utilised as follows:

  • Road & Street Infrastructure - Which includes roads, bridges, footpaths, drainage, street beautification, asset management & street lighting.
  • Recreation & Community Development - Which includes arts, culture, youth development, libraries, recreation facilities.
  • Human Support Services - Maternal & child health, children's services, aged & disability services, community transport, community health & health promotion.
  • Environment & Land Use Planning - Building & planning services, environment & public health management & fire protection.
  • Civic Leadership - Governance & advocacy, strategic planning, emergency management and occupational health and safety.
  • Financial Management - Statutory reporting & budgeting, records management, plant replacement & land valuations.
  • Waste Management - Garbage collection, tips & litter control.
  • Citizen & Customer Service - Customer service centres, communications & marketing.
  • Economic Development - Tourism, economic development.
How are my Rates Calculated?

Rates are calculated by multiplying the total value of your property (land plus improvements) which is known as the Capital Improved Value (CIV), by the relevant 'Rate in the Dollar', which is set by Council annually. The rate in the dollar varies according to the type of property. This information can be found on your current rates notice.

The table below lists the differentials applied to properties in the Golden Plains Shire.

Land TypeRating DifferentialRate in Dollar
Residential Improved100%0.001848
Business, Industrial & Commercial100%0.001848
Business, Industrial & Commercial Bannockburn130%0.002403
Farm Land Broadacre87.5%0.001617
Farm Land Intensive95%0.001756
Farm Land < 40 Hectares100%0.001848
Non Farm Vacant Land205%0.003789
Vacant Land Non Developable100%0.001848

Other charges in addition to rates, where applicable;

  • Municipal Charge of $250
  • Garbage Charge of $447
What is a Municipal Charge?

The municipal charge is a flat fee of $250 (2024/2025) applicable to all assessments, irrespective of the valuation or type of property. It was introduced to cover part of the administrative costs of operating Council, and to assist with the equitable spread of the rate burden across the whole Shire.

What is a Garbage & Recycling Charge?

This charge covers the cost of collecting and disposing of domestic garbage and recycling from all dwellings within defined garbage collection areas in the Shire. The charge is compulsory for dwellings whether the service is used or not.

What is the Fire Services Property Levy Charge?

The Fire Services Property Levy is collected with Council rates and passed directly to the State Government to fund Victoria’s fire services. The Levy is made up of a fixed charge and a variable charge based on the property’s capital improved value (CIV).  For more information visit www.firelevy.vic.gov.au

What do the three Valuations on my Rate Notice Mean?

The three valuations shown are the Site Value (SV), Capital Improved Value (CIV) and the Net Annual Value (NAV).

  • Site Value (SV) - The market value of the land only
  • Capital Improved Value (CIV) - The total market value of the land plus buildings and other improvements
  • Net Annual Value (NAV) - either 5% of the CIV or the current value of a property net annual rental

For more information, please contact us.

Contact Us

How Do Rates Work?

Not sure how the Rating System works? Watch the video below.