Council Meeting Summary: February 2021


A monthly Council Meeting was held at the Golden Plains Civic Centre last night, Tuesday 23 February, with all Councillors in attendance. In line with guidelines from the Victorian Government due to COVID-19 and Council’s COVIDSafe Plan, the meeting was not physically open to members of the public and was livestreamed on Council’s YouTube page.

Public Question Times and DELEGATES REPORT

Following the Acknowledgement of Country and regular housekeeping documents, a resident presented two questions via Zoom regarding the Inverleigh Play Space Naming consultation and both were answered by Council’s Director of Corporate Services. The Delegates Report followed, with Councillors providing updates on a range of meetings and engagements over the past month.

inverleigh play space naming consultation results

Council received the voting results of the Inverleigh Play Space Naming consultation, that was undertaken from 16 December 2020 to 29 January 2021, with Yerram Yaluk Bun receiving the greatest number: 35 of the total 115 valid votes. Council resolved to consider all submissions and objections in accordance with the Geographic Place Names Act 1998 and will make a final determination on the name at its March 2021 Council Meeting.

P20-106 two lot subdivision and convenant variation

Council considered a planning permit application for a two lot subdivision and covenant variation at 36 Oxley Rise, Batesford. The recommendation was to refuse the application as it did not satisfy the provisions of the Development Plan Overlay – Schedule 11. Council instead considered an alternate motion and approved the planning permit, subject to a range of conditions.

P20-133 use of land for domestic animal husbandry

Council considered a planning permit application for the use of land for domestic animal husbandry (keeping of five dogs) at 15 Gurney Close, Bannockburn. Council supported the recommendation and approved the planning permit with conditions.

active ageing & inclusion plan 2020-2024 adoption

The Active Ageing & Inclusion Plan 2020-2024 was presented for adoption, following an extensive consultation period that resulted in 33 submissions from community members, prompting several amendments to the final plan. Council adopted the final Active Ageing & Inclusion Plan 2020-2024, as recommended.

melbourne cup public holiday

Council resolved to seek feedback from the community on whether the Shire should observe the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday or an alternate local holiday for the next four years (2021 to 2024). In recent years, Golden Plains has had a part-shire arrangement to observe the Geelong Show Day and Ballarat Show Day. With the previous consultation completed in 2011 and only seven councils of 79 in Victoria observing an alternate local holiday last year, Council encourages residents to share their thoughts on the public holiday. Council will make a final decision in June 2021.

state electoral boundary redivision – council submission

The Electoral Boundaries Commission Act 1982 requires that a formal process called a ‘redivision’ occur before the next State Government election in November 2022, whereby the electorate boundaries are redrawn. Council approved to lodge a submission regarding the redivision to the Victorian Electoral Commission concering the Buninyong and Polwarth electorates which cover Golden Plains Shire.

vago report to parliament – sexual harassment in local government

In June 2020, Golden Plains Shire Council staff and Councillors were invited to participate in a survey conducted by VAGO on Sexual Harassment in Local Government. In the Audit Report, VAGO have provided 11 recommendations (10 specific to Council) to Victorian local councils.

Council noted the VAGO report into Sexual Harassment in Local Government, the summary report for Golden Plains Shire Council and the recommendations which will be incorporated into Council policies and procedures and rolled out to Council employees and Councillors.

community engagement Policy

The Local Government Act 2020 (Section 55) requires that Council adopt a Community Engagement Policy on or before 1 March 2021. The Policy has been developed by Council officers following their participation in sector-wide better practice forums and workshops led by Local Government Victoria. The draft Policy did not receive any submissions during community consultation from 26 November 2020 to 11 January 2021, and the final Community Engagement Policy was adopted without change by Council.

additional reports

The following Council Reports were also considered and approved:

  • Finance Quarter Two Update
  • Local Government Performance Reporting Indicators – Quarter One and Two Report 2020/21
  • Council Plan 2017-2021 Implementation – Quarter Two Update
  • Councillor Code of Conduct
  • Gifts, Benefits & Hospitality Policy
  • Audit & Risk Committee Report – 2 December 2020
  • Councillor's Expenses and Meeting Attendance – Quarter Two Report

There were no Notices of Motion, Petitions or Confidential Reports for Decision.


The next meeting of Council will be held on Tuesday 23 March, 2021 at the Golden Plains Civic Centre, and will be available by livestream.

Mayor's Video Update

Watch the video update from Mayor Cr Helena Kirby with highlights from the February 2021 Meeting of Council.

Watch the February 2021 Meeting of Council

Watch the recording of the February 2021 Meeting of Council.