Council Meeting Summary: September 2019


The September Ordinary Meeting of Council was held at Bannockburn Shire Hall last night, Tuesday 24 September, with all Councillors except Cr Des Phelan in attendance.

The public gallery was full with a number of residents and some of Council’s newest staff members in attendance to watch the proceedings.

Public Question Time

Council received two sets of questions, with one questioner in attendance to verbally put their questions to Council on a proposed compost facility, which was discussed at length later in the meeting. The remaining questioner will receive a written reply.

Citizen Recognition

Council recognised the fantastic achievements and contributions made by young people in the community. Two Citizen Recognition Awards were awarded to:

  • Noah Grootveld of Bannockburn
  • James Malseed of Bannockburn

Noah and James were recognised for their achievements in Futsal (indoor soccer), with both boys members of the Victorian State Futsal Team that is competing at the National Schools Futsal Competition.

Planning Application P19-081

Following a number of objections from nearby residents, Council was required to determine a planning application P19-081 for a proposed composting facility for blending selected organic feedstocks with green organics and a compost activator at 605 Bannockburn-Shelford Road. The compost piles would not be turned, and instead would be left undisturbed for approximately 10 weeks. The application proposes to accept up to 50,000m3 of material annually, to be brought to site by up to four truckloads a day. The end product is for the purposes of agricultural fertiliser.

The application has been internally referred to Council’s Works, Natural Resources and Strategic Planning Departments, as well as externally to the Corangamite Catchment Authority, Environment Protection Authority and VicRoads. No referral agencies objected to the proposal, however 41 residents raised concerns, and the consultation process resulted in the attachment of 33 conditions to the application, including:

  • Specific hours of operations
  • Construction of an all-weather access road
  • Approval of an environmental management plan
  • Compliance with odour and noise regulations

The public submissions resulted in a stronger outcome for the whole community, and Councillors supported granting of the permit.

Planning Application P19-084

Council was required to also determine planning application P19-084 for a two-lot subdivision at 85 Ackland Road, Lethbridge, as Council received an objection from a neighbour. A Land Capability Assessment was submitted with the application and assessed by Council Environmental Health and Works Departments, who did not object, but recommended some conditions. Officers recommended the approval of the planning permit, and Council supported the recommendation.

Changes to Project Funding

Since the adoption of Council’s 2019/20 Budget in July, there have been several changes to projects and funding, including a funding increase from the Federal Government’s Roads to Recovery Program and Council’s decision to not proceed with the replacement of Golden Lake Road Bridge at the August Ordinary Meeting. Councillors supported the recommendation to allocate the additional $466,655 Roads to Recovery funding:

  • $156,655 to Maude-She Oaks Road upgrade
  • $110,000 to Barwon Park Road Bridge Deck Replacement
  • $200,000 to review, design, specification and tender preparation for future bridge and road upgrade projects

Councillors also agreed to reallocate the $300,000 funding from the Golden Lake Road Bridge project:

  • $200,000 to Franklin Bridge Replacement project
  • $100,000 (carried over) to Council’s 2020/21 Resealing Program

Barwon Park Road Bridge Deck Replacement

Having undertaken a competitive tender process for the Barwon Park Road Bridge Deck Replacement in Inverleigh, and having evaluated and assessed the tenders received, Councillors agreed to approve awarding of the contract to Ace Infrastructure for $620,000.

Bannockburn Transport Strategy

The finalised Bannockburn Transport Strategy was presented to Council, providing recommendations which align with the development of Bannockburn and includes an implementation plan with cost estimates and timeframes on traffic management, car parking and sustainable transport. The Bannockburn Transport Strategy was adopted by Councillors.

Local Government Inspectorate Update

At the organisation’s request, in November 2018 Council participated in an examination by the Local Government Inspectorate to ensure Council’s processes and practices, specifically, in relation to governance and procurement, met the requirements of the Local Government Act 1989. The Inspectorate lodged a report in February, and Council lodged its initial response to the Inspectorate in April. An update to the Inspectorate was provided in August, and received by our Audit and Risk Committee, which acknowledged the significant amount of progress made. These reports were presented to Council for noting.

Policy and Procedure Framework

A Policy and Procedure Framework has been developed suggesting a new approach to Council’s policy and procedure methodology. The draft Framework and templates were endorsed by the Audit and Risk Committee and were recommended for adoption by Council.

Instrument of Delegation to the CEO

The Local Government Act 1989 enables Council to delegate functions, duties and powers, other than exemptions under sections 86(4) and 98(1) of the Act, to the CEO, Council staff and special committees. The Instrument of Delegation to the CEO was last reviewed and adopted by Council in March 2017. A review of that instrument was completed and recommended a number of changes. These changes were supported by a majority of Councillors.

Financial Assistance Grants

Victorian councils receive Financial Assistance Grants from the Federal Government, and following the determination of the revised Federal Budget estimate in July, Council received an additional $40,000 in grant funding than anticipated in Council’s 2019/20 Budget. A majority of Councillors supported allocating the additional $40,000 to consolidated revenue.

Asset Disposal Policy and Reserve and Provision Funding Policy

Two new accounting policies were developed to strengthen internal organisational controls and create clear policies and procedures, which were tabled.

Audit and Risk Committee September Minutes

The minutes from the 10 September 2019 Audit and Risk Committee meeting were also tabled.

Procurement Policy Review

On 25 June, Council resolved to adopt a revised Procurement Policy Review, and the previous policy had two major reviews. The revised Procurement Policy provides numerous proactive and positive provisions in order to be compliant with the Local Government Act 1989, and ensure strong governance. Prior to the adoption of this revised policy, Council made two changes to address administrative burdens faced by Council staff. The current and proposed procurement policies were presented to the Audit and Risk Committee, where they were supported and recommended to be adopted by Council.